In an article in today's Hickory Daily Record about the recent gay marriage in Iowa of a prominent Caldwell County furniture designer and manufacturer, Sen. Jacumin, who co-sponsored two recent bills proposing constitutional bans in NC on gay marriage, fiercely defended the freedom of heterosexual white men to run You Know Who out of the state:
Should same-sex marriage be allowed, "all of a sudden the building block of the family is destroyed," Jacumin said.
He thinks the measure would lead to more same-sex marriages and more homosexuals in the state, and says that would signal the end of the family since only a man and a woman can reproduce.
Apparently, though we have no proof, a man and a woman produced Sen. Jacumin.
Hmmm. A tsunami of Gay washing across North Carolina's borders! New BFFs for all those Baptist church organists! Sen. Jacumin has seen the future, and it has turned his heart to stone!
(This year there is a more than credible challenger for Sen. Jacumin's seat in the state senate, Beth Jones. The voters of Burke and Caldwell counties have an opportunity to put an actual human being into that General Assembly chair.)
I've met Beth Jones and like her a lot - she's level-headed and REAL. (I like her kids, too. They say a lot about her, in my opinion.)
Frankly, if gay marriage is a threat to MY family, my marriage is in a whole lot more trouble than any legislative maneuvering could fix! Besides, gay marriage is already illegal in NC, so what is Jacumin's issue? This is a states' rights thing, and most southerners are pro States' Rights.
No doubt the Republican party has found the real reason for the decline of America in the 21 century? It was all that butt punching by the Goldman Sachs CEO's with each other?
To all the liberal oppressors who didn't believe,
Many on this site through the years have incriminated Conservatives as being racist and discriminatory when the opposite is actually true. Going back to the tried and true litmus test of gun control, we can see the liberal socialists as being far worse than their conservative counterparts.
When I was busy railroading the liberals a couple years back I used the video entitled "No Guns for Negros" to help prove the point. I of course was ridiculed even though the detractors couldn't point to any one thing I factualized as being wrong.
Fast forward to today, and we have Clarence Thomas' most interesting supporting opinion in McDonald vs Chicago. Essentially Thomas indicates that gun control laws seek/sought to disarm blacks. I find it extremely amusing that a Chief Justice of the Supreme Court also views gun control, which liberal socialist sheep unconditionally support, as being racist. Where is Shylock, Tricycle Lard, Nonymouse, and Liberal Socialist Sheep POV in all this? LOL!! You guessed it, they don't want to face the reality that good ole pal Johnny Rico correctly labeled them as racists and bigots.
Shylock, you called "No Guns for Negros" a slick piece of propaganda. Do you also call Clarence Thomas' supporting opinion in McDonald vs Chicago as a slick piece of propaganda too?
LOL!!! I welcome any dissenting opinions that are able to even come close to contradicting my essential truth-tale that liberals are bigots and racists. I know that most of you are gnashing teeth right about now, and I would be too if I were WRONG all the time.
LOL. This ought to be interesting....
Your ole pal
Johnny Rico
Fill in the blank ...
I'll go with "an embarrassment to his mom."
Or at least he should be!
Johnny Rico is a teenage mean-girl wanna be. Who else would be so sarcastic and use all those lol's? Complete with caps and exclamation points?
Johnny's missing something in his or her diet.
Wow - look at the magnificent responses to Rico. I stand amazed and in awe of the intelligence coming from liberal pov and anonymous. What brilliance! Fiber - liberal pov, you are a genious! With that kind of intelligence and fodder you certainly are fit to be an obamanite. Yes, finally someone with such witty and insightful comebacks - we must all heed your wisdom and quick witted prowess.
Again, a liberal on the run resorts to name calling and emotion as they have no factual basis from which to reply. The point is I highlighted the fact, two years ago, that gun control is racist and discriminatory in nature. I also pointed out that liberals are the ones supporting these blatent violations of civil rights. To add fuel to the conservative fire, I posted the video entitled "No Guns for Negros" narrated by a black man which explains, in great detail, how gun control is/was racist.
Fast forward 2 years and we have the 2nd Supreme Court Decision in favor of the 2nd Amendment being an individual right. Even more striking is the fact that Chief Justice Clarence Thomas, a black man, pointed out that gun control is racist in nature. Have any of you "progressives" acted according to your pseudo name and read Mr. Thomas' supporting opinion? Just as Hussein Obama hasn't read 1070, you too have failed to research a fundamental failing on your part. This isn't surprising given the bigotry associated with the left, but I had fun saying "I told you so".
Aside from emotional, hurt-feeling, rants, do you have anything to say in your defense? LOL!!! I didn't think so.
One more thing. Why doesn't Watauga Watch post Clarence Thomas' supporting opinion of McDonald vs Chicago? Do you not agree with the decision or is this historic ruling not noteworthy. LOL.
This ought to be interesting.
Your ole pal
Johnny Rico
Brooke L.
PS There sure are a lot of anonymous posters here. I would be anonymouse if I had just been forcefed a batch of truth prose!!!! LOL!!!!
My submission is Johnny Rico is "making himself laugh a lot."
But none of the rest of us are laughing.
You mean herself. And you are correct, you shouldn't be laughing too much after the above posts!!!!!
Your ole pal
Johnny Rico
run, run, run away
My submission is:
"Johnny Rico is..." definitely not female.
Mike D (ummy)
Your submission is the usual liberal socialist submission (submission is an excellant word for liberals) that dodges tough truths. This post is a clear example of folks running away from something they hate being called on.
As for my gender, it seems as if you have a problem with strong females. Most liberals do. Ann Coulter gives you guys fits and you hate her for it. To disparage someone over their gender is the same thing my posts point out with the "No Guns for Negros" video and Clarence Thomas' supporting opinion. Quit being racist.
At any rate, I see I will have no opposition whatsoever which is what I have came to expect. LOL!!
Your ole pal
Johnny Rico
Rico, you made a mistake. You accused MikeD of being racist. He was not racist. He was sexist. You chose the wrong bigotry.
Quite correct! My post was not racist, but sexist, just like that book "Women are from Venus, Men are from Mars".
And I stand by my guess. There is no way Rico is female.
Rico is an hyperactive male whose typing fingers move more quickly than his mind's ability to analytically process information.
His mind does move quickly, but he mistakes a quick mind for a thorough mind. He feels that the speed of his processor makes it a good processor, but he does not understand that being the first in the class to finish an exam doesn't mean anything if you only get 50% of the answers right.
His fast mind and fast fingers gloss over important details as he races to conclusions.
Back to gay marriage
It is illegal in North Carolina and personally believe it should stay that way.
I noticed a post in the past week or so regarding a gay union taking place at a local church in Watauga County. I understand that it was performed at a High Country UCC, whatever that is. Their minister (a female minister) performed the union. This information came from a Baptist who advised me the minister performing the union was an ordained Baptist minister. I did not think Baptist ordained women ???, so that information may be wrong. This person also informed me that it was two lesbians and one of them held a position in this county that should be a role model to others.
Shame on the minister performing this union!!!
To the new couple: You are not married
Actually, Rico usually is more logical and presents more documentation to back up her arguments than does MikeD.
It is interesting that MIkeD feels comfortable making assumptions about Rico's gender. Should we then make assumptions about MikeD's sexuality due to his description of BikerBard being a being a larger ,stronger and more handsome version of a male movie star, Joe Pisce (sp)? I think not because we would be making the same mistake MikeD has made.
I think you are all giving Rico just what he craves - ATTENTION. He is an immature, thoughtless, inciteful (not "insightful")asshole. He has posted just now on this thread as "Johnny Rico" (he & she) "JR", "Johnny Rico is" and "In Awe of Lib POV." That is all Rico.
Please stop feeding the troll under our bridge (DNFTT!) DO NOT RESPOND TO /HIM/HER/IT!
Once again the Bard makes a personal attack with no rebuttal to any of Rico's points. This doesn't make the Bard very effective. If the Bard disagrees with Rico, he should make some statements that prove his point of view and give something to back them up. Rico does this so surely the Bard can do the same thing.
Rico is a troll, so I will no longer feed IT. Agreed.
It looks like I have won again. When a liberal is unable to generate even a modicum of resistance they rationalize it by drawing attention to some non-existant condition afflicting the adversary. I was waiting on you idiots to get all emotional as you normally do. What I find especially noteworthy is the fact Shylock hid from the essential truth that I pointed out. Then we have Tricycle Lard (Cheerleader) who finally got some tripe printed after his mommy made the obligatory Spahetti Os. LOL!! Does ANYONE have anything to come with? Something please. Winning is so easy on this site that it is not very much fun. LOL!!!! Your ole pal
Johnny Rico
PS I won!!!
Remember when you claimed that you are banned from WataugaWatch? Kinda look like an idiot now, eh, considering you are currently posting here?
Remember, deep within your complaining on the other site about the ban, when you admitted that you were specifically trying to get banned by making such a pest of yourself that the webmaster would have no choice but to ban you, thus providing you with the excuse you needed to claim 'victim of censorship' status? Dude, you admitted to it, and you are a pathetic, weakling coward.
So here you are again, doing exactly the same thing.
You think only liberals have a problem with your social deviance? You might want to ask the WataugaWatch community whether Mike D. is a liberal before you go plowing your way blindly through the reality.
You are an idiot, and you are an asshole, and I don't even use terms like that for Craig Dudley.
You want to get banned again, as you admittedly tried to get the first time it happened? I say "Go for it, J.W., ban the bitch-ass coward."
Johnny Rico, you are a worthless loser, and when you die, you will die alone and friendless, mourned only by the parasites which inhabit your bedsores.
As of this moment, say what you wish for as long as you are allowed. I now join BikerBard, not because I agree with his politics, but because I agree with his assessment of your value as a human being. I will no longer acknowledge your posts.
Get a life, you pathetic loser.
Rico seems to be pretty good at registering anonymous accounts to defend herself. Could this be one of them? Only the Shadow knows for sure.
It looks like Rico has silenced another detractor that cannot come up with arguments to refute her points.
You do not have to like her. Just make a logical argument against what she says. So far you have not.
By By MikeD.
Mike D(ummy),
With the terrible language and insinuations you use, I propose you should be banned. I never use poor, disrespectful language in my posts, only logic and reasoning. It is funny though that you are curious about my friends. Is this because you have a bit of trouble balancing your beliefs with your friends? I'll give you some advice - potential friends will be drawn to you as a person, not what you want them to think you are. Not to say I haven't driven a boyfriend or two away because I pack a pistol everywhere I go or because they are unable to cope with a strong female. Too bad for them, and too bad for you! LOL!!!
I can only guess it must be this reasoning and logic that offends and scares you so much. The other liberal socialists are afraid to post against my essential truths, that much is very evident. You on the other hand, let your fear get the best of you by lashing out in the same loathing manner that the KKK lashed out against former slaves or Pelosi lashed out against the Tea Party. I do not live in fear, just a world of freedom and personal responsibility. You should try that sometime instead of hiding behind a mass of hate speech.
Do you have any reply to my posts? Again, do you have ANY evidence that what I say is not true? I didn't think so! We deal on facts, not emotions Mr. D. LOL!!!!
Your ole pal
Johnny Rico
You just cannot argue with some people. Johnny Rico is one of them. Facts just don't matter with this one.
"You just cannot argue with some people. Johnny Rico is one of them. Facts just don't matter with this one."
So far no one has presented any facts to refute Rico's points. When they do, they can gain credibility. Calling her names and using personal attacks only hurts the image of those that disagree with her points.
Don't bite, folks.
Stand tough, Mike! Notice how this loser BOY spends a lot of time trying to say he is a "strong female." LOL!
Not to worry, BikerBard,
Rico accidentally, in an an inadvertent moment of truth, revealed himself to me as dishonest. You may disagree with my views, perhaps even sometimes dislike me because of our differences, but you always know that I am representing what I believe is the truth.
Rico places no value on truth, only goals and ideology. He tries to emulate Ann Coulter, and fails miserably. In case you don't know Ann Coulter, she carries the philosophy that the best defense is an onslaught style offense. Defend your views, and she attacks more. Attack her views, and she attacks more. This is the program that the pathetic liar Johnny Rico attempts to replicate.
Rico is simple minded and transparent, and his faulty, super fast processor doesn't even recognize his obvious mental frailties. If his statements were benign, I would not even consider diagnosing his deficiency, but he is anything but benign. He wants to hurt other human beings, so he now has a capable adversary.
Johnny Rico does not deserve anger, only pity.
He is a pathetic loser who tries to hurt people.
Mike D(ummy),
And who might this "capable adversary" you talk about? I haven't met this person on this site yet, and never will as liberal socialist sheep such as yourself will never be able to hold an arguement with me as your moral and ethical foundation are faulty. Besides, if you are trying to gain sympathy from the post idiot, Tricyle Lard, then you certainly have a ways to go before you could hold your own with me. LOL!!
At any rate, as the anonymous poster said, can you refute anything I have said in regards to the "No Guns for Negros"/Clarence Thomas analogy that I pointed out? That's what I thought Mike D (umm), you cannot. You know it, I know it, and the others on this site know it. Give it up, pay another five bucks, and try your luck again.
Oh yeah, one more thing - LOL!!!!!!!!
Your ole pal
Johnny Rico
PS I won
MikeD, I would like to see your arguments that refute what Rico has put forth as to the No Guns For Negroes video and Clarence Thomas are concerned. You have only called her names and avoided the issue. Usually you do much better than this. So far you have been disappointing on this thread. What are your arguments and where are your proofs? Maybe you are to busy admiring the Bard's heroic muscles to make your usual competent arguments.
As far as I can tell the only attacks Rico has made appear to be intended to solicit a logical response from you. She has failed.
To all:
That last "Anonymous" post WAS Rico. See, we know your games.
No, I don't need to go Anonymous with my posts. I want any bashings I give to the liberals to be credited to me fair and square. The Anonymous poster is pretty darn good though.
Your ole pal
Johnny Rico
PS Got a bug problem?
"That last "Anonymous" post WAS Rico. See, we know your games."
Wrong. It is sad that you are so delusional that you think more than one person cannot disagree with you. In any event, all I said was that no one has been able to even attempt to refute Rico's points. They just attack her.
Mike D(amn Good!)
Good last post. But relax, all of the WW community knows what an immature jerk Wacko Rico is. We just try to ignore this parasite.
Yes relax because you have been beat yet another time. You would keep going but you have nothing to say. Not one person was able to refute or even argue my irrepresible points. How does it feel to be so totally beaten? Mike D (ummy), if your only alli here is a cheerleader who can barely write, then you might want to reflect a bit on where it is you went wrong.
Your ole pal
Johnny Rico
PS I won
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