Q. What kind of priorities will you guys have beyond the budget? Will immigration reform come up? Will we see a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage? Will we see new abortion legislation?
A. I think there will be enough time and talent to hit singles and doubles on all of those issues. But, more specifically, voter ID and voter fraud and voter integrity [will be addressed] .... I think there will be enough time and talent to deal with how people who murder pregnant women in this state are going to be charged. I think there's enough time and talent and will of the people to deal with the marriage amendment issue. I think there will be enough time and talent to do that, including figuring out what's going on with illegal immigration.
Q. How do you keep from over-reaching ... from going too far beyond the mandate of this election and causing a backlash?
A. The same way that you would hopefully prevent yourself from over-reaching if you haven't been up to the plate in a while and your intention is to go up there and hit a grand slam. Chances are you're going to pull a muscle.
If they "pull a muscle," we predict it'll be in the groin, as they attempt to legislate various of their hottest moralizings. Not to mention an Arizona-style "show us your papers" anti-immigrant law. Good times!
You betcha they're going to reignite the culture wars in this state! They won't be able to help themselves. (They've been waiting how many years to put the "queers" in their place!) And when they do, all hell will break loose. North Carolina is a very religious state, but in my experience it's also a pretty tolerant state. The Christians I have known are sweet people, for the most part (certain leaders in certain churches excepted), and they don't appreciate strong-arming anyone about anything
It seems that you guys are licking your chops, slobbering and waiting for this so you can pounce and grab power back for your own team. How about wishing for the health of our state for a change, rather than just the destruction of your rivals? Would that be too much to ask?
Mike D.,
Maybe you should change your user i.d. to "Little Mary Sunshine."
Don't recall you singing Kumbayah so much when it was Republicans viciously attacking two good men, Cullie Tarleton and Steve Goss.
When you lean that far right you loose your balance.
Mike D:
I guess you also missed the news that the Republicans want Pres. Obama to fail?
Did THEY do what you suggest, Mike? Were they "wishing for the health of our state" while they were spreading half-truths and outright lies about Goss and Tarleton?
You go republican...I can't wait to return to the 19th century. When it all unravels, Democrats may finally grow a set and get about the business of the welfare of all mankind.
"Did THEY do what you suggest, Mike?" - Moose
They are not us, Moose.
If they are so bad, perhaps we should aspire to be better, not the same.
Of course conservatives want Obama to fail in achieving his socialist transformation of the United States and the destruction of the country. All thinking people do.
???????: It looks like you've been studying your Fox News playbook.
Good work!
Bard, thank you. If only you could comprehend that Faox news is the only media organization that has both liberal and conservative commentators and is therefore the only one that is "fair and balanced". This is why you hate it. You can't tolerate those that disagree with you.
This is also why J.W. does not want us to use Anonymous anymore. He thinks it will silence dissent.
Dear Whatever,
With all due respect, don't be a dick. JW has banned "Anonymous" not to silence the likes of you but to make it easier for me & others to single you out for response. If your dickish comment is only one of many from "Anonymous," it makes it extremely difficult for me to talk back to you. Can you possibly ever understand that? No, probably not. You're far too in love with the notion of being a victim. Cause you're kind of a dick.
Henery, you reply to the comment, not the entity making the comment. Maybe you will someday realize this. If you feel it is necessary to reply differently to one entity than another over the same comment, then you are ignoring the content of the comment.
Liberals tend to do this.
Whatever Shall You Call Yourself, by any other name, you're still pretty dickish.
"Liberals tend to do this?" You wanna play that game? Really?
What do conservatives tend to do? Preach all kinds of abstinence from sex and drugs while running through several wives and getting hooked on Oxycontin ... like Rush Limbaugh?
Denounce homosexuality and the immortality of liberals while trying to boink every male page in Congress ... like Mark Foley? (Or like any number of holy-rollers preachin every Sunday against the very stuff they're doing)
Pretend to be a big family-values guy on the warpath about Bill Clinton's blow-job while simultaneously two-timing his SECOND wife ... like Newt Gingrich?
Being all law-and-order against soft-on-crime Democrats while money-laundering in order to get your buddies elected in Texas with corporate money ... like Tom DeLay?
I could go on. And on.
So take your "like liberals tend to do" to the other site, where they only see out of their right eye.
Sheesh. You guys wrote the two-volume encyclopedia of hypocrisy.
I pray thee, do tell us just WHO are the liberal commentators on Faux News?
Nicely played, man! Let's not the Republican book of denial, as practiced by former Senator Larry "Wide Stance" Craig.
Henery, your post only attempts to change the subject. This is another tactic of the left when it has nothing to argue with about a comment.
I will accept y0ur capitulation in this debate.
Whatever -Adding my voice to The Bard's - Who are the liberal commentators on Fox?
Mike - I do wish the health of the state, and the country. I prayed fervently that the US would prosper when Bush got appointed president. But I had a bad feeling that we would suffer instead, and we did. I would be delighted and relieved if the state of North Carolina prospers and becomes a leader in education and green technology, but the odds are agin' it. Conservatives by their very nature, are against progress, change, and they cling to outmoded ideas in the face of new challenges. That's what conservative means. In this rapidly changing environment, we need leaders who are flexible, open-minded, and forward thinking. Unfortunately, we didn't get them.
This thread has lost its legitimacy. It has also been censored. Two sides of an argument cannot be presented on this site.
Once again I will accept your capitulation whether you allow others to read of it or not.
Brushfire, you keep saying Bush is a conservative. He isn't. He is a big government progressive liberal lite. He belongs more to your side than mine.
Start with Combs and Williams. Add Geraldo. There are many others. I do no agree with them so I do not remember their names. watch Fox and see for yourself. Try not to cry when you are exposed to opposing view points.
Riiight! Ah, the strong liberal presence on Fox News! So important that Mr. Dickishness can't remember their names.
You have me there. Their opinions are so meaningless, no one can remember their names. Thank you for making the point.
J.R., out of idle curiosity, why do you bother to review comments if you let people such as Henery call people crude names?
Could it be all you want to do is censor comments that are different than your own?
Sunday - The Bush agenda of spending vast sums on the war machine, cutting taxes for the rich, and cutting services for the rest of us is the same agenda being pushed by the so-called "Tea Party" conservative faction. His philosophy that the Earth exists to be exploited and raped for its resources is the same as the conservative agenda. Bush's well-known disdain for and ignorance of science is identical to that of the conservative ideology. He pushed a hard-line conservative agenda all the way and now that it is proven to be a massive failure, you don't want to claim it, but you are just calling it another name.
I have yet to see a liberal commentator on Fox News.
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