We were tickled to see that this Amarillo skate-boarding guy, Jacob Isom, received one of Jon Stewart's medals for reasonableness.
Up-to-date analysis of the local political landscape
I was so poor growing up [that we had to eat dust bunnies that we swept out from under the bed] but back then we all had health care. Health care only became unavailable and too expensive after Medicare was legislated in the 1960s.
"Do you, your spouse, or members of your immediate family have financial interests valued at $10,000 or more in a non-publicly owned company or business entity (including interests in partnerships, limited partnerships, joint ventures, limited liability companies, limited liability partnerships, and closely held corporations?"
8/3/2010 ... $10,000, given to the NC Republican Senate Caucus
9/22/2010 ... $5,000, given to the NC Republican Senate Caucus
9/24/2010 ... $4,000, given to the House Conservatives Fund
9/28/2010 ... $25,000, given to the National Republican Congressional Committee
Boeing tops 3Q forecasts as it sells more planes
By JOSHUA FREED / AP Business Writer • Published October 20, 2010
MINNEAPOLIS -- Boeing posted an $837 million third-quarter profit on Wednesday and raised its profit guidance for the full year as it sold more commercial airplanes.
"I am responsible for everything that goes out under the party's name," Fetzer said. "But I did not see the mailer before yesterday. We send out hundreds of thousands of pieces of mail. I don't see everything but I am responsible for it. I will look into it. If it turns out to be less than accurate we will take corrective action."
We're holding our breath and expect to turn blue.
Quite the brave dodge there, Mr. Fetzer. "I never saw it. Someone working for me did it. We'll likely find someone to fire, maybe, if the sea catches fire."
And not a word about the others you libeled.
$1,853,000 -- amount in the third quarter of 2010 by PPD CEO Fred Eshelman of Wilmington to 527 group RightChange.com, which is running attack ads against Democratic congressional candidates across the country. (IRS Political Organization Disclosure Form 8872, filed 10/15/2010)
1 -- rank of PPD CEO Fred Eshelman among top contributors in the nation to 527 groups in the third quarter of 2010 (IRS Political Organization Database, Irregular Times.com)
9 -- number of top ten individual donations in the third quarter of 2010 that went to a conservative or explicitly Republican group (Ibid.)
$200,000 -- amount given in the third quarter of 2010 by Art Pope's Variety Stores to 527 group Real Jobs NC that is running ads against Democratic legislative candidates across North Carolina, particularly against Steve Goss and Cullie Tarleton. (IRS Political Organization Disclosure Form 8872, filed 10/13/2010)
$100,000 -- amount given in the third quarter of 2010 by RightChange.com to 527 group Real Jobs NC for running ads against Democratic legislative candidates across North Carolina (Ibid.)
$550,000 -- amount given in the third quarter of 2010 by the Republican State Leadership Committee to 527 group Real Jobs NC that is running ads against Democratic legislative candidates across North Carolina (Ibid.)
8 -- number of top ten individual donations in the second quarter of 2010 that went to a conservative or explicitly Republican group (Open Secrets, Center for Responsive Politics)
$264,889 -- amount of contributions reported so far to the State Board of Elections by Civitas Action, the explicitly political arm of the right-wing advocacy group Civitas Institute, for ads against Democratic candidates (North Carolina State Board of Elections)
$190,000 -- amount given to Civitas Action by Art Pope's Variety Stores (Ibid.)
$74,889 -- amount given to Civitas Action by Americans for Prosperity, of which Art Pope is a director (Ibid.)
4 -- number of directors of Americans for Prosperity (Americans for Prosperity website)
$95,000 -- amount Americans for Prosperity has reported that it has raised for ads attacking Democratic legislative candidates in North Carolina (North Carolina State Board of Elections)
$80,000 -- amount given to Americans for Prosperity by Art Pope's Variety Stores to fund attack ads on legislative candidates in North Carolina (Ibid.)
$7,229,000 -- amount of the income of the Civitas Institute from 2005-2009. ("Blessed to Have a Pope," Facing South, the Institute for Southern Studies, October 14, 2010)
$7,074,000 -- amount of contributions to the Civitas Institute from the John William Pope Foundation from 2005-2009 (Ibid.)
Voted yes 129 times
Voted no 322 times
"U.S. Rep. Virginia Foxx, a Republican from Watauga County, has not achieved any great accomplishments for the residents of the 5th Congressional District, and has angered and embarrassed many with her sometimes wild statements that seem designed to provoke. It's time for a fresh, progressive voice in the 5th District. We believe that Democrat Billy Kennedy, a Watauga farmer and carpenter who says he'll work to reverse the high rate of unemployment in the district, is that voice. He's the best candidate in the Nov. 2 election for the 5th District."
Foxx has said she'd normally support such a measure, but not in the current economic times. But the parkway, a major cash cow of the state's tourism industry, brings in more money in a single year -- $2.1 billion dollars, through 17 million visitors -- than the cost of the entire act.
She's positioned herself so far to the right that, even if her party regains a majority in the House with this election, it's doubtful that she'd gain any power.
"I hope all the queers are thrilled to see him. I am sure there will be a couple legislative fruitloops there in the audience."
The Insider is reporting this morning that Civitas Action, the explicitly political arm of the Pope Civitas Institute, has raised $264,889 for electoral activities according to filings with the State Board of Elections.
The group has already sent out mailers in the districts of House Speaker Joe Hackney and Senate President Pro Tem Marc Basnight criticizing the legislative leaders and plans more mailers in coming weeks.
You can guess where the money came from, $190,000 from Variety Wholesalers -- that's Art Pope's company, and the rest from Americans for Prosperity, where Pope is a director and major donor.
The Insider points out that Pope is also a major donor to the Civitas Institute itself, which is a bit of an understatement. The group's 2009 tax return reports $1.635 million in income for the year, with $1.620 million in contributions from the Pope Foundation.
Pope is also a major donor and board member of Real Jobs NC, a 527 group running misleading ads against Democrats, including one criticizing them for voting for a $25 million fishing pier that every Republican also supported.
The Insider quotes Civitas Executive Director Francis De Luca saying that he didn't think the election activities of Civitas Action would hurt the credibility of the Civitas Institute.
That's true. It simply confirms what we already knew.
One: Every single one of them was that exceptional Republican who did protest the spending in the Bush years, and not one of them is the hypocrite who only took to the streets when a black Democratic president launched an emergency stimulus program. Two: Each and every one of them is the only person in America who has ever read the Constitution or watched Schoolhouse Rock. Three: They are all furious at the implication that race is a factor in their political views -- despite the fact that they blame the financial crisis on poor black homeowners, spend months on end engrossed by reports about how the New Black Panthers want to kill "cracker babies," support politicians who think the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was an overreach of government power, tried to enact South African-style immigration laws in Arizona and obsess over Charlie Rangel, ACORN and Barack Obama's birth certificate. Four: In fact, some of their best friends are black! And five: Everyone who disagrees with them is a radical leftist who hates America.