$1,853,000 -- amount in the third quarter of 2010 by PPD CEO Fred Eshelman of Wilmington to 527 group RightChange.com, which is running attack ads against Democratic congressional candidates across the country. (IRS Political Organization Disclosure Form 8872, filed 10/15/2010)
1 -- rank of PPD CEO Fred Eshelman among top contributors in the nation to 527 groups in the third quarter of 2010 (IRS Political Organization Database, Irregular Times.com)
9 -- number of top ten individual donations in the third quarter of 2010 that went to a conservative or explicitly Republican group (Ibid.)
$200,000 -- amount given in the third quarter of 2010 by Art Pope's Variety Stores to 527 group Real Jobs NC that is running ads against Democratic legislative candidates across North Carolina, particularly against Steve Goss and Cullie Tarleton. (IRS Political Organization Disclosure Form 8872, filed 10/13/2010)
$100,000 -- amount given in the third quarter of 2010 by RightChange.com to 527 group Real Jobs NC for running ads against Democratic legislative candidates across North Carolina (Ibid.)
$550,000 -- amount given in the third quarter of 2010 by the Republican State Leadership Committee to 527 group Real Jobs NC that is running ads against Democratic legislative candidates across North Carolina (Ibid.)
8 -- number of top ten individual donations in the second quarter of 2010 that went to a conservative or explicitly Republican group (Open Secrets, Center for Responsive Politics)
$264,889 -- amount of contributions reported so far to the State Board of Elections by Civitas Action, the explicitly political arm of the right-wing advocacy group Civitas Institute, for ads against Democratic candidates (North Carolina State Board of Elections)
$190,000 -- amount given to Civitas Action by Art Pope's Variety Stores (Ibid.)
$74,889 -- amount given to Civitas Action by Americans for Prosperity, of which Art Pope is a director (Ibid.)
4 -- number of directors of Americans for Prosperity (Americans for Prosperity website)
$95,000 -- amount Americans for Prosperity has reported that it has raised for ads attacking Democratic legislative candidates in North Carolina (North Carolina State Board of Elections)
$80,000 -- amount given to Americans for Prosperity by Art Pope's Variety Stores to fund attack ads on legislative candidates in North Carolina (Ibid.)
$7,229,000 -- amount of the income of the Civitas Institute from 2005-2009. ("Blessed to Have a Pope," Facing South, the Institute for Southern Studies, October 14, 2010)
$7,074,000 -- amount of contributions to the Civitas Institute from the John William Pope Foundation from 2005-2009 (Ibid.)
And exactly how much money did the left get from Soros before he decided they were hopeless and abandoned them this year?
No doubt Art wants to be King of North Carolina...........Don't you just hate White rich republicans corporate boys thinking they are going to save the day and make it a Republican Fascist Paradise?
Where are Art Pope's stores located, and what do they deal in, that they bring in that kind of profit? I have never seen one of his stores but clearly they rake in big bucks for Art. Are headquartered offshore? Guess he is hoping for even higher level of wealth if the GOP takes over and cuts taxes some more. I say, Boycott Art Pope Stores! (if you can find one)
Art Pope owns the Rose's chain and Maxway, to name two.
Thanks, Henery, for giving me the names of two. Any more in the Pope's empire anyone knows of? There' been no Rose's store around here for years, or Maxway that I know of, but I will certainly avoid shopping there in the future.
Brotherdoc, the full list of store chains owned by Variety Wholesalers can be seen here: http://www.vwstores.com/
My memory is that when we had a Rose's in Boone, that was the store that Virginia Foxx was caught shop-lifting from.
Wonder if Art Pope knows that.
Pope is one of four national directors of Americans for Prosperity, the billionaire Koch Brothers organization!
I don't know about the Rose's, but Belk, Winn Dixie, and some small convenience stores owned by a friend of mine in the western part of the county.
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