Rep. Jonathan Jordan is not only a member of that committee; he's a co-chair.
We've learned that if there's one thing Republican members of the new legislative majority in Raleigh will drop everything to take care of, it's any initiative to limit people's ability to vote.
Jordan, another shining exemplar of Art Pope Values.
Kudoes to Mr. Jordan and those that voted to end this atrocity. It might be different if every precinct was open for the exact same amount of time on the same days.
Spoken like a true Republican! Making voting easier is an "atrocity."
No, having some polls open and others not is the atrocity. Spoken like a Liberal Democrat who never puts out all of the facts.
Mercy utter foolishness.
It's hard to believe that moderate Americans don't react more negatively than they appear to, to the obvious and pervasive Republican tactic of voter suppression. The Best Democracy Money Can Buy should be compulsory reading for all high school students in America; it graphically shows the tactic in its modern form. I guess Republicans are reconciled to this because they know that they don't enjoy the support of the majority of Americans, especially when their positions are publicized. Of course this exposure happens less and less with the corporate ownership of all news. Also, Republicans know that if they hadn't suppressed the vote in Florida in 2000,no President Bush, and if they hadn't suppressed it in Ohio in 2004 in such obvious ways, no second term for Bush. I guess Jordan and his cohorts are just carrying on that tradition and the even more beneficial (from their standpoint) traditions of Jim Crow, since this is so obviously pointed at keeping down the participation of African Americans.
Thank you for voting to lessen this practice of giving the voters in some precincts an advantage over voters in other precincts, Mr. Jordan.
I don't get it. How does early voting hurt anyone? It sure helps me and most other people I know.
What precinct do you live in Brushfire? Would you have to drive twenty miles to vote early because your precinct is not open? Is it fair for you to get to vote by crossing the street when i have to make a special trip?
Early voting is fine. But, do we need 2 1/2 weeks of it? Don't you think that a week and a half is enough time?
We got by for years with election day voting only. I like the early voting, but it's not much of a sacrifice to do it all in a 10 day period.
Anonymous - What are you talking about? If early voting in town saves me a 10 mile trip, how does that hurt you? Are you saying that we shouldn't offer a convenience for anyone unless it directly benefits you?
No, brushfire. 'Uunless it benefits ALL or, at least, the majority.
That's correct, Brushfire. If all of the polls aren't open, none of them should be. Everyone should have the same chance.
You are only for early voting because you think it helps your side.
Is it just a coincidence that ALL of the early voting sites in Watauga are in the few precincts that vote Democrat? Also, all of them are within walking distance of each other.
Of course the previously Dem controlled board of elections wouldnt factor partisan politics into their decision. It HAS to be a coincidence.
How exactly does it help "my" side? Don't Republicans ever come into Boone? According to your paradigm, we shouldn't have a hospital in town because the people in the western part of the county don't have access to one. You shouldn't get your road paved unless every little backroad in the county gets paved also.
Hey, Brushfire, you said it. That's a very good point.
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