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Thursday, February 11, 2010
Stimulus Whore
Takes credit for a $7,505 U.S. Department of Homeland Security grant to the Linville Volunteer Fire Department in Avery County, though of course Little Patty voted against appropriating the money.
LOL!!!!! Classic Republican Hypocrite at work again!!!!!!!
Ah, Rachael Maddow...one of the parade of ' Circus of the Freaks ' on MSNBC...I'm watching Ed Shultz right now in fact...he gets quite the hardon for Billy Clinton...if it all wasn't so sad, it would be more amusing...
He did the same thing in Caldwell 2 years ago. He toured the community college and bragged on the TRIO program, but he voted against the funding for it. When called out on it at a town hall meeting, he lied and said he voted for it. His assistant actually stopped me at the end of the meeting to "clarify" his statement, but it was still a lie.
J.W. Williamson was the founding editor in 1972 of the Appalachian Journal: A Regional Studies Review, which he edited until July of 2000. He has taught college classes in Appalachian history, cultural politics, and literature, and he has lectured widely on the pop-culture history of "Appalachia" in the American consciousness. His books include Interviewing Appalachia, Southern Mountaineers in Silent Films, and Hillbillyland: What the Mountains Did to the Movies and What the Movies Did to the Mountains. He has won the Thomas Wolfe Award given by the Western North Carolina Historical Society, the Laurel Leaves Award given by the Appalachian Consortium, a special Weatherford Award given by Berea College, and the Cratis Williams-James Brown Award given by the Appalachian Studies Association.
The views expressed on WataugaWatch are solely those of J.W. Williamson or individual contributors and are not necessarily shared nor endorsed by the Watauga County Democratic Party nor by any other adults of sound mind in this or any other universe.
LOL!!!!! Classic Republican Hypocrite at work again!!!!!!!
Rachael Maddow on MSNBC has been running a never-ending list of Repub "Stimulus Whores" on her show this week. Seems like we've got a few brothelsful.
Ah, Rachael Maddow...one of the parade of ' Circus of the Freaks ' on MSNBC...I'm watching Ed Shultz right now in fact...he gets quite the hardon for Billy Clinton...if it all wasn't so sad, it would be more amusing...
He did the same thing in Caldwell 2 years ago. He toured the community college and bragged on the TRIO program, but he voted against the funding for it. When called out on it at a town hall meeting, he lied and said he voted for it. His assistant actually stopped me at the end of the meeting to "clarify" his statement, but it was still a lie.
desperate quest for butt buddies.....oops, no takers.....oh well....maybe he'll move to Atlanta
Well, at least Ernest T's a loyal follower of MSNBC (and "hard on" is a two word phrase. -THAT you should already know.)
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