There she was last night telling Iredell County Republicans about her great tribulations in Mugstomp-on-the-Potomac, that these past few years, since the voters ran her party out of power, have been "excruciating." Why, she can hardly get any attention at all and has to resort to attacking dead gay boys in Wyoming to get anyone to even look her way!
Plus this: "If we don't take this country back from the leftists who are running it now, we will lose our country .... We're talking about four years."
Set your clocks.
How tough is it to look smug and just vote NO?
Plus this: "If we don't take this country back from the leftists who are running it now, we will lose our country .... We're talking about four years* Congresswomen Foxx
Good Grief you Sara Palin idiot! You gave it away 10 years ago with George Bush and your stupid neo-con fascists.. Will somebody take this women and make her a American Mail-Order Bride to the Russians........
Dear Virginia, if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen.
there are no leftists in the district of corruption. the are center right at most and further to the right from there.
how many of them work for the combination of government with business?
how many of them speak of the wonders of business?
how many work for the benefit of the average citizen?
actual health care reform with single payer and regulation of the insurance monster would have demonstrated some concern for citizens.
I remember when she would impugn her Democratic colleagues at every opportunity, calling them unpatriotic, un-American, and morally bankrupt. Now she is surprised that she has no support from them? Gee, what a mystery.
Craig: How true!
Bridle: Virginia IS an expert on the morally bankrupt! I hope Billy Kennedy gives her a good fight. It's all about Billy having the money and getting that independant voter.
It's funny she wants to take this country back from the "leftists" who were voted into the majority by the clear majority of the population, who still support the president's "leftist" policies (see polls on the public option). But the current Republican party has never been about the democratic process anyway, just demagoguery.
it would be interesting to get a definition from these bats covering exactly what their definition of a leftist is.
i suspect it would be any who don't believe in giving the whole store to the corporations and invading everyone who doesn't follow our band.
Did you see this letter from Diane Tilson?
I found it online but is it in any papers? It is one of the best letters to the editor I have ever read!
bridle; papers been printing fewer opinions than used to be the case. perhaps it began to look like everyone wasn't buying the cheese.
tilson makes some excellent points in her letter.
Gee, Virginia. Eights years of Bush was pure joy for us "leftists." Karma's a bitch, isn't it?
That is an excellent letter from Tilson. Thanks for sharing it. Very good job and about time someone called Foxx out on her bullshit.
Maybe the very generous benefits paid to current and former members of Congress will have to be cut.
rv; i like how you think but there is as much chance they, the "leaders", will cut their pay as the war department will be cut by fifty cents.
<span>"it would be interesting to get a definition from these bats covering exactly what their definition of a leftist is." - Craig Kaczynski</span>
Speaking of bats, it appears that in my absence, Unabomber Dudley has come home to roost. What happened, Craig? Flunk out of Hamas boot camp?
That was my post, as though I needed to sign it for you to know. ;)
Mike D: We missed you, but did you come back to "peck a fight" (as Braveheart would say?)
Craig dumped his vitriol on our community through the local newspaper for at least 5 years. In this forum, I've only been returning him some of the love he shared with us for about two and a half years. By my count, he's got me for about another 2 1/2 years, then I'll leave him alone and let him get back to designing tin foil hats, or brewing nitroglycerine, or whatever he does in his remote cabin.
Hey- those tin foil hats can come in handy! ;)
biker; dicker ain't gonna get no fight from me cause being the likudnik that he is there is nothing honest about his methods or words.
i think of him as an amusing child who has been drinking someones koolaid.
biker; additionally, he, dicker, lives in a two dimensional, black and white world. he supports genocide, if its his friends doing the murdering, and when he looses in a discussion, he decends into name calling and character assination. i have rarely seen him involved in honest discussion with someone he differs with, lessen its one of the bluehairs of this site.
He cannot resist. ;)
You can just feel it getting under his skin.
mike dicker has shown he is one of the ones addressed by me in my letters to the local fishwrap over the years.
the editors of those papers told me that they had equal calls for and against what i wrote.
mikedicker never engages with logic or evidence. he only acts like limbaugh or o'reilly.
loud noises and name calling with some random accusations thrown in for good measure.
i have had plenty of experience with such nazi tactics.
when he finds no purchase for rejoinder he stays away. he could be johnny reko in disguise.
its boring.
at this post for yesterday, the tenth, there is as good an exploration of where we find ourselves these days as any other. many people speak of such things, except those true believers, such as mike dicker, aka miked.
so dicker, tell us how the israeli genocide against the palestinians is different that what the holocost survivors and those like yourself, rail against. or address some of the points made in the link above.
use words that defend it and don't degenerate into your usual limbaugh tactics.
Mike D. is NOT Johnny REEK-O. But a point well made is how Mike takes umbridge at Craigs letters in the papers. I, personally, don't feel attacked.
You were winning the argument, Craig, but you then invoked the name of "nazi." Blogging rules state you automatically lose the argument. Sorry.
"There are, in fact, precisely two things left that differentiate the United States from any other large, overpopulated, impoverished Third World nation." - A major point of Craig's link.
This, to you, is real journalism, Craig? You might want to read the article again, this time from an objective perspective. I know that the article speaks the holy scripture of your high faith, but logically, objectively, to a non-sociopathic individual, it's nonsense.
By the way, Craig Kaczynski, did the Secret Service ever follow up with you at your remote cabin after their first visit to discuss reports that you threatened to assassinate President Bush?
biker; nazi is an adjective, noun, historical name invoking germans and their activities.
i find nothing wrong with using it as an adjective indicating immovable ignorance, like miked/dicker and his johnny recko like rants.
dicker virtually never engages in actual dialogue with any other than you and shyster. the rest he attacks or looks down upon as though he had a demonstrated history of his beliefs we could reference.
as for winning or losing, its immaterial as who would be the ultimate judge of such.
i find dicker and argument to be a round trip ending where one started only with wasted time in between as he never defends or explains any of his intransigent ignorance, hence; nazi.
Remember when you repeatedly declared that you weren't going to talk to me again?
Didn't really work out for you, did it? ;)
Mike: You are better then your recent posts show. Rise above it and give it a rest. :(
Environmentalist: The Earth is warming.
Skeptic: Then why was my heat bill higher in January?
Amazing.You asked the EXACT same question as Huckle Buck did on a previous thread. Either you both need to meet, you are one bi-polar blogger, or you are trying to play "Got-Cha" on this site. Either meet your mate, get psychiatric help, or get lost.
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