Macon Co. D.A. Ashley Welch, passing the buck
Late yesterday Nazneen Ahmed, spokeswoman for Attorney General Josh Stein’s office, confirmed the investigation by the State Bureau of Investigation into former President Donald Trump’s Chief of Staff Mark Meadows after the
New Yorker first reported that the former congressman, who represented North Carolina’s westernmost district, registered to vote in September 2020 using an address he had never visited. (
NandO)The request for the investigation came from Macon County District Attorney Ashley Welch, who wants the Department of Justice’s Special Prosecutions Section to take over what would normally be the D.A.'s role in this matter. Ashley Welch is a registered Republican.
“We have requested that the SBI investigate alongside the State Board of Elections,” Ahmed said. “At the conclusion of the investigation, we’ll review the findings.”
Allegations of voting misconduct against Meadows came to light after the weekly magazine spoke with the former property owner where Meadows claimed to have lived. She confirmed renting 495 McConnell Rd. in Scaly Mountain to Meadows’ wife, Debbie, for two months, but neighbors told her Mark Meadows never visited the property and his wife only spent a few nights there.
As of yesterday, Meadows’ remained registered to vote at that address.
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