Friday, January 02, 2015

NC's New House Speaker: Dead-Ender or Dangerous Moderate

Trying to decipher what manner of creature Rep. Tim Moore of Kings Mountain may become as the new Speaker of the North Carolina House. He's replacing Thom Tillis, who's gone on to glory in the U.S. Senate. Our Magic 8 Ball is giving ambiguous answers on Mr. Moore.

On the one hand, there's Mr. Moore's long history of hostility toward gay rights:
Moore generated a firestorm while [in student government at] UNC-Chapel Hill ... when he attempted to prevent the Carolina Gay and Lesbian Association from receiving student activity funds. Moore said he doesn't regret his actions at the time, which angered many on campus. [WNCN]
Furthermore, according to WNCN, Moore sez he'll be balls-to-the-walls in continuing to defend the indefensible Amendment One, which has already been struck down by not one but two NC Federal judges, not to mention the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals. By all means, Mr. Moore, let's waste more taxpayer money on more lawyers to defend that particular piece of bigotry.

Magic 8 Ball sez, "You may rely on it."

On the other hand, Mr. Moore catches grief from a Tea Party screedster for selling out fellow Republicans in helping to scuttle a bill in 2013 that would have ended solar energy subsidies. Turns out that Mr. Moore may actually care more about jobs in his district than he does Civitas doctrine on alternative energy: "Tim Moore’s 'district is home to a $27 million plant that manufactures parts for solar farms.' ”

So is Mr. Moore "soft" on a progressive issue like "sustainability"? Magic 8 Ball sez, "Ask again later."

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