Virginia Foxx voted against it. I know ... HUGE surprise.
Why should she care about people out of work and grasping at any life raft on the tossing sea? Her net worth has done nothing but go up since she was elected to Congress. Congress critters are allowed to report the "range of worth" of their assets and not exact amounts, so Foxx's financial disclosure forms reveal a very wide and capacious berth for her personal wealth.
In 2004 she reported assets totaling from $2,377,042 to $5,369,000.
In 2008, after two full terms in Congress and a whole lot of kvetching about how hard she works for such little pay and bragging about how poor she used to be, she reported assets totaling from $2,637,053 to $8,982,000. (All figures publicly available at Open Secrets.)
She's getting filthy rich while the unemployed get a few more months of unemployment benefits, but to hear her tell it, the unemployed, purely by virtue of having their grubby little hands out, are simply RUINING the Republic for the likes of her and her rich, richer, richest friends.
Just noticed that U.S. Congressman Patrick McHenry was one of the 49 Republicans who crossed the aisle to vote for the extension of unemployment benefits. OMG!
Congressional candidate Billy Kennedy issued a statement about Foxx's vote this morning, which is quoted in full over at Down With Tyranny:
"Virginia Foxx continued her assault on working families in the fifth district with a vote against the continuation of unemployment benefits. With unemployment now reaching as high as 15% in many counties of the 5th district, Foxx shows how callous and indifferent she is to her constituents. You see, Foxx doesn't have to sit around the kitchen table trying to figure out whether to pay the electric bill or the mortgage because she is the richest North Carolina representative in the House. While the people of the 5th district try to figure a way to keep their homes out of foreclosure, Foxx continues to accumulate her extensive real estate holdings. Virginia Foxx, in other words, is making a killing off her incumbent political position while blaming her constituents for financial woes they are experiencing through no fault of their own. Foxx's message to those in distress in the 5th district: 'tough luck.' "
"she reported assets totaling from $2,637,053 to $8,982,000." Big Deal.
Obamao made over 5.5 million last year alone.Does making money make someone evil? Or only if their not on your side?
It is not making money that is evil. It is having no concern for people who are struggling just to survive.
Well put, RV.
Now, go back under the bridge, Wolf's HUHA. Your lesson is over.
I can't understand why they keep voting for her. There have been so many people in her distrct who have lost their jobs and cannot find anything else that it looks like everyone would know someone in that situation. Can anyone explain this to me?
How to explain why people vote against their economic interests and concerns? Well, if we believe the Free Market guys, it's because they don't think rationally. Remember that the Party of the Rich knows how to jerk the emotional chain of the ill-educated in the 5th district. For years it was, "the Russians are coming!" Now it's "they want to euthanize granny" and "the gay agenda is going to be taught your kids in the public schools" and "Obama is a Nazi/Socialist/Communist" and of course the perennial favorite, "they want to raise your taxes."
Mrs. Foxx made all that money as a public servant.In the time she should have been working to further our interests, she was evidently feathering her own nest, while denigrating and sabotaging the very government which provided her the opportunity to make all that money.
RV, does having "no concern for people who are struggling just to survive." justify taking their earned income and giving it to those you believe are in need?
How do you justify armed robbery, because they don't believe as you do?
I am soooo tired of the Tea Party people saying taxes=robbery. The original patriots in 1776 objected to taxation without representation. Well guess what, now we elect Congress and they pass taxes. We are not under King George any more, now we have Representative Democracy. Last I looked the Dems have the White House and both houses of Congress, duly elected by The People. IMHO they have been wimps about really using their majority, but if you TeaPeers don't like it, vote in your own people next time (it will likely be a lot easier now that the Bush-appointed Supreme Court majority says corporations can spend as much as they like on election campaigns). Being in the minority now does not give leave to fly planes into buildings housing IRS offices or carry around guns at political rallies. Nor the right to make up facts. Fact: The Obama administration (with Congressional ok of course) gave breaks to some 95% of the American taxpayers this year. You can look it up on a lot of independent, impartial web sites. It was part of the stimulus plan to try to get America out of the Great Bush Recession. Besides, a huge chunk of your tax dollars are going down the rathole of two wars started by our last president. You great patriots are all for that, aren't you? Borrow and spend, borrow and spend: the party policy of the GOP. Where were the TPers then? Quitcherbitchin.
Money is only a symbol, not worth anything by itself. If we pay more in taxes, but get more in services, we all end up ahead. What good does a wheelbarrow full of money do you if you have to live in a world without safe food, clean air, clean water, honest police, or a decent public infrastructure?
Taxes are how we work together to achieve bigger common goals. The true parasites are those who take advantage of a civilized society without being willing to contribute to it. Mrs. Foxx, on the public payrolls for many years, is a prime example.
You take for granted all that the American government provides, probably because you have never seen anything else. So take a trip to a poor country, like you will find in Central America, to educate yourself about the difference. Bridle has listed many of the main differences. People who have anything in these countries have to live in gated communities with security guards, while the rest live in squalor with no police protection. Medical care is limited, and there is a very high death rate for their children. The main roads might be good, but the side roads will destroy your vehicle in no time.
Government programs that lift people out of poverty will enable them to become taxpayers too someday.
How many more wars can we fight on borrowed money? Wolf's Head, if we don't all agree to pay our taxes, what kind of financial mess will we be leaving for our children?
Not all tea-party people think taxes are robbery; they merely believe that further taxing Americans is detrimental to what recovery we'll have and they would go to fund unpopular programs whose costs will likely spiral out of control, driving the country to the edge of bankruptcy, not to mention the interests payments we'll have to make on all these debts.
Anonymous, what evidence supports that fear?
Are you aware that the tremendous economic growth and progress of the 1950's and 1960's was fueled by tax rates of 90% on the highest income brackets?
If you take a look at Europe and notice their high taxes (including a VAT) and high government spending in proportion to GDP, you'll notice endemic unemployment, low economic growth, and a spiraling welfare state.
Further, though income tax rates of 90% were oppressively high during the time period after a command economy, you can hardly say it fueled growth. It was also on only the highest income earners. You can note that today, the top 3% of income earners pays 50% of the income taxes collected by the federal government.
Not only does this seem unfair by all standards that assume that the law should treat people equally regardless of income level, it is dangerous to allow many Americans to have little stake in the government. They pay next to nil in taxes, so they have no stake (Alexander Hamilton spoke in a similar fashion about maintaining a reasonable level of debt) AND they can always call for a further burden to be placed on the rich while anything the government does hardly affects them outside of providing for them.
That is not to say that all people are in that situation, but it's dangerous what it can amount to in a democracy in which the representatives of the constituents believe that what they vote for is the best course, regardless of what the constituents believe at the time (a parental state).
I wish representatives would vote for what they think is the best course, but I see them voting the party line.
No, representatives are supposed to vote the way their constituents tell them to vote. Because they don't do that, because they vote for what they think is best, regardless of their lack of knowledge on the subject, we end up healthcare "reform," ethanol subsidies, nearly a cap-n-trade, and massive budget deficits financing pet projects.
No, representatives are supposed to vote the way their constituents tell them to vote. Because they don't do that, because they vote for what they think is best, regardless of their lack of knowledge on the subject, we end up healthcare "reform," ethanol subsidies, nearly a cap-n-trade, and massive budget deficits financing pet projects.
Virginia Foxx held secret negotiations with the Town of Blowing Rock to bring the now infamous Blowing Rock land trade to Congress. Foxx and her henchmen Aaron Whitner, misled local hunters and shooters and did not allow them a voice in the land trade. Virginia Foxx railroaded this illegal bill through the house, even when it was pointed out that Councilwoman Barbara Ball owns a 1.3 million dollar (filthy rich too) home overlooking the parcel. How can Foxx not recieve negative attention for this land grab?
USS Rodger Young
Virgina Foxx also voted against the Credit Card Authorization Act. By doing this, she was also voting against allowing loaded weapons into National Parks. The outrage of her socialist and controlling agenda should raise some eyebrows with some of her constituients.
USS Rodger Young
Good point Wolf's Head. Some folks are whining that Foxx is rich, but they overlook Hussein Obama. Can you say hypocrisy? Good one sir. Hat tip.
Rodger Young
Most of Obama's income this past year was from royalties from the books he wrote years ago.
It shouldn't matter to the liberal socialist sheep as rich is bad, right? So that means Hussein Obama is "bad" right? Many rich conservatives are rich through their own efforts, yet they are villified. By this formula, Hussein Obama should be villified too. That was easy.
USS Rodger Young
Rodger, I repeat...
It is not making money that is evil. It is having no concern for people who are struggling just to survive.
I think rich people who reach out a hand to pull poor people up are great people.
"...liberal, socialist sheep."
Hmmmm. Where have we heard this phrase.
Hey, Wack-o. Is that you, just toned down a little? The ideology is the same- a distorted view of the world. The venom, anger and fearmongering are there. Fess up.
The basis of discrimination against the rich is by income. The idea that the rich have no concern for the poor is loaded on the premise that they give nothing. In fact, they give a larger dollar amount to charities than middle class people are capable of. It's not bad that middle class people are incapable of such philanthropic giving; it's GOOD that the rich are capable. That is overlooked in the class warfare tactics meant to turn one set of constituents against another, easily vilified group in the favoritist politics of the current ruling party.
Wacko? That is the third name in 3 posts that you have addressed me with. Wow, do you have anger issues or do you generally make an ass out of yourself anwhere you are?
Oh, it is how the rich spend their money is it. And please explain how Hussein Obama spends his money "better" than a conservative?
This ought to be interesting.
USS Rodger Young
Rodger, you enjoy putting words in peoples' mouths I see. I did not say that Obama spends his money better than a conservative. I am sure there are many conservatives who have been just as generous. Here is an article about Obama's taxes.
I would appreciate it if someone would teach me a better way to post links.
You equate rich as being bad. Hussein Obama is rich so he is bad according to YOUR mantra. Right? If not, then please explain your disdain for rich folks, excepting the messiah in all this.
Your ole pal
USS Rodger Young
Rodger, how come you cannot understand this?
"It is not making money that is evil. It is having no concern for people who are struggling just to survive."
And what has Hussein Obama done with his money that other rich folks (John McCain) haven't? I want to hear why you don't rail against Hussein Obama and do other rich folks who you also know nothing about. When the shoe is on the other foot, socialist sheep such as yourself twist off into orbit!! I can hear the emotional rant coming! When you folks get defensive, it almost always results in name calling (see Tricycle Lards comments) or emotional laced tirades that do nothing more than highlight the stupidity of your weak moral and ethical foundations. LOL!!
This ought to be interesting!!!
Your ole pal
USS Rodger Young
To all liberal socialist sheep,
You never seem to want to bite off on this one, and I can't for the life of me understand why. This wacko of a politician has done something that has pissed off the far right, yet you folks are too stupid to capitalize on it. When Kathleen McFadden, before she was fired by the liberal Ken Ketchie at High Country Press, decided not to report on it, many were amazed. This is very telling of the fringe left - give them something that is actually true and verifiable, and they ignore it because it came from conservatives. Amazing, sad, and a sign of the depravity of liberal socialists in this country.
Virginia Foxx held secret negotiations with the Town of Blowing Rock to bring the now infamous Blowing Rock land trade to Congress. Foxx and her henchmen Aaron Whitner, misled local hunters and shooters and did not allow them a voice in the land trade. Virginia Foxx railroaded this illegal bill through the house, even when it was pointed out that Councilwoman Barbara Ball owns a 1.3 million dollar (filthy rich too) home overlooking the parcel. How can Foxx not recieve negative attention for this land grab?
Your ole pal
USS Rodger Young
Ah yes, Rico. Your old, "Foxx stole our happy hunting grounds" complaint. You lost that one, as I remember.
Did you really compare her wealth to a previous potus? Good grief
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