Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Bush to Cut Pell Grants

Also lost in the holiday distractions was the Bush administration's announcement two days before Christmas that it would be cutting Pell Grants for an estimated 80,000-90,000 low-income college students.

The Chronicle of Higher Education called the move the "December Surprise," and Terry W. Hartle, senior vice president of the American Council on Education, representing 2,000 colleges and universities, said the timing was "unfortunate and probably deliberate." "Deliberate"? People don't notice so much the bad stuff the government is doing when they do it two days before Christmas.

Is there a lesson here for college-aged voters who didn't bother to get involved in this last election? For those who DID bother to get involved and who voted for this administration, we guess you got what you asked for. For those of you cast out of college by this move, you'll always have military service to fall back on. We hear there are going to be (forced) opportunities any day now.

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