Wednesday, September 04, 2019

Gutless Wonder Gets Support from Headless Horseman

NC Republican Senator Thom Tillis wrote an op-ed on February 25 condemning Twitterman’s announced plan to redirect federal funds to border walls in defiance of Congress. Sen. Tillis said his conscience required him to put principle over party.

Two weeks later the senator abandoned his principles and publicly endorsed Trump's plan.

Trump then paid off Tillis in June, telling his nearly 64 million Twitter followers that Tillis had “really stepped up to the plate.” (When he can't get dictators to fawn over, Trump'll love up on abject toadies who kiss his ass.)

So, natch, Tillis appears to be floundering in his reelection bid. He may not even make it to November. Conservative Garland Tucker is challenging him in the March primary and seems to be gaining traction. Nobody loves Tillis, except maybe the former executive director of the NC GOP, Dallas Woodhouse.

So today, Twitterman throws Tillis another bone (life-raft?) by injecting partisanship into Hurricane Dorian preparations. Trump tweeted that he was granting an Emergency Declaration to North Carolina because Tillis requested it, thereby dissing Governor Roy Cooper who requested it. A governor of a state has to request an Emergency Declaration, not a stupid senator.

It was a lame-ass move to boost up Tillis, FWIW -- which ain't much.

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