Subject: Watauga County BOE - Today's WSJ Article
To:, "Wright, Don" <>,
I believe it important to bring to your attention today's Winston Salem
Journal article, clearly revealing wrongdoing on the part of Luke and Stacy
"Four" Eggers.

Surely it is the case that this is more than unethical. I find it hard to
believe that it is not illegal for one person (really anyone) to actually run a
county BOE without being officially appointed to that board.
Further, it seems clear that the individual who was officially appointed by
the State BOE to serve on Watauga's BOE - Luke Eggers - has abdicated his
responsibilities and was (minimally) complicit in letting his brother, Four, run
the board on his behalf. I would think that the State Board now has the
responsibility to consider whether Luke Eggers' continued service on the Watauga
BOE is warranted.
Public Service
Rule 6.6 Action as a Public Official
A lawyer who holds public office shall not:
(a) use his or her public position to obtain, or attempt to obtain, a special advantage in legislative matters for himself or herself or for a client under circumstances where the lawyer knows, or it is obvious, that such action is not in the public interest;
(a) use his or her public position to obtain, or attempt to obtain, a special advantage in legislative matters for himself or herself or for a client under circumstances where the lawyer knows, or it is obvious, that such action is not in the public interest;
And your point is?
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