Elmore comes in to the race a couple of months behind Dan Soucek. That primary will bear watching.
Soucek has been groomed for this race by Virginia Foxx, but apparently Mr. Elmore didn't get that memo.
Up-to-date analysis of the local political landscape
Yayyyyyyy!!!! :-D
How nice to have the comments back on WW!!
Welcome back! :) We missed you!
Now that we're back, how about we model the "Other Site?"
Hey you Conservatives! Why should you be allowed to breathe? Mike, I demand you represent the entire Conservative nation. If you say anything insulting, we will kick you out! Only WE are allowed to insult anyone. Begin!
I am flattered that you would choose me to direct the Conservative movement. However, I am not very Conservative, so I don't think they would enjoy that.
I hope you noticed that although I did cave in and post on that other site while J.W. was upgrading WataugaWatch, I was certainly no cheerleader for their team. :-P
Relax, Mike. That was a joke. I know you've been reading that other site, and I'm sure you chuckled at their insistance that "lib-brels" bark for them. Why would WW want to model itself on such a site of little interest and filled with losers.
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