Change the Congress was founded and is run by Catherine Welborn, an anti-tax South Carolinian. The Charleston Post & Courier did a lengthy profile on her last August. What's clear is that she's "non-partisan," insofar as she's willing to organize against Republican incumbents if they're deemed impure on the question of taxes and spending.
She has a Facebook fan page, "small-r republicans," which has grown to over 600. Yesterday Welborn posted this attack on Patrick McHenry and endorsed one of McHenry's primary challengers, Salisbury dentist Scott Keadle.
Attacking Patrick McHenry from his right is mildly amusing. But this attack is fueled by the throw-all-the-bums-out adrenalin now pumping in the context of Scott Brown's Massachusetts Senate victory. Which, if I were Patrick McHenry (and trust me: I thank Gawd every day that I'm not), I might spend at least 15 minutes of my week worrying ... especially given my dismal recent fundraising.
"A tea-party-allied group calling itself Change the Congress is targeting NC-10 Congressman Patrick McHenry.
Change the Congress was founded and is run by Catherine Welborn, an anti-tax South Carolinian. The Charleston Post & Courier did a lengthy profile on her last August. What's clear is that she's "non-partisan," insofar as she's willing to organize against Republican incumbents if they're deemed impure on the question of taxes and spending."
Anti-tax? Really? And attacks McHenry?
<p><span> Washington, Mar 4 - <span>Today, the office of Congressman Patrick McHenry announced that the National Taxpayers Union (NTU) has honored the Congressman with its 2009 Taxpayers’ Friend Award for his support for reducing spending and opposing higher taxes. McHenry has earned this award every year he has served in Congress. </span></span>
<span><span>"Despite a few encouraging trends, the results from NTU's Rating vividly demonstrate why 2009 was such a fiscal disaster," said NTU President Duane Parde. "For every Member of Congress doing his or her best to relieve overburdened taxpayers, five other lawmakers were doing their worst." </span></span>
<span><span>“Now more than ever, Americans need Washington to lessen the burden of taxes and promote investment and growth. It is foolish to think that we can simply tax, spend and borrow our way back to prosperity. Real growth will come from small businesses investing and creating jobs, which will continue rebuilding the economy of Western North Carolina,” stated Congressman McHenry.</span></span>
<span><span>Every year, the National Taxpayers Union rates U.S. Representatives and Senators on every vote that affects taxes, spending, and debt. Each vote is weighted based on its effect on federal spending. In 2009, Congressman McHenry earned an “A” grade, making him one of 55 lawmakers in the House and Senate eligible for the award.</span></span>
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