According to
data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics (opensecrets.org), Sen. Dick Burr was one of 21 Republican senators who voted FOR the Wall Street bailout and then turned around and voted AGAINST the financial reform that might prevent such shenanigans in the future ... all while raking in $1,500,000 in Wall Street cash in 2010
alone. (Hattip: Chris Fitzsimon at the
Progressive Pulse)
The continuing corruption of our government by Big Money is something curiously missing from the Tea Party's list of grievances.
Could it be because that same kind of Big Money founded and sustains the TP'ers?
'Probably the same people Kay Hagan's in bed with.
Yes, it is exactly the same non-existent Big Money. How astute of you to realize it.
I understand Burr is alienating the very folks who put him into office. Many blogs of the conservative slant don't cast this idiot in a positive light. From his dealings with a land trade in the Blowing Rock area to his across the isle outreach to Kaye Hagen, Burr is not very popular these days. Perhaps his opponet will capitalize on voter unrest with incumbents and vote him out. Democrats need to push the right buttons with the right people and not attack him with the usual dogmatic points of contention. Burr can be defeated, but this defeat must come from within the disgruntled ranks of his own supporters.
Liberal Mom: Where in the world are you getting information or are you simply writing something shallow, random, and not thought out??? I think you will see that Richard Burr is well liked among the people come election day.
And Kaye Hagen is the biggest disappointment in the world, even among her fellow democrats.
Liberal Mom: Where in the world are you getting information or are you simply writing something shallow, random, and not thought out???
I don't know about Liberal Mom, but I read a lot of dissatisfaction with Burr on the hunting and fishing blogs.
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