Not sure which was actually funnier, Stephen Colbert's
5-min. statement this morning before the House Judiciary subcommittee on immigration ("I don't want a tomato picked by a Mexican. I want it picked by an American. And sliced by a Guatemalan, and served by a Venezuelan, in a spa, where a Chilean gives me a Brazilian.") ... or the looks on the faces of the Republican members of the committee, particularly Steve King (R-Iowa).
At one point Colbert requested that a video of his colonoscopy be submitted into the Congressional record. Congressman King at that moment looked as though he were
having a colonoscopy, without benefit of fentanyl.
Despite his deadpan delivery as a blowhard Bill O'Reilly (but I repeat myself), Colbert's satire highlights the human cost of the mixed messages on our southern border:
Stay Out! and
Please Come Do Our Field Work!
Did anyone care to mention the estimated $150,000.00 wasted to have a comedian come in and "entertain" Congress? They don't seem to have time voting on tax cut extensions, yet they have time to bring this quack in and spin a yarn about picking vegtables? This won't bode well for the Democrats who just keep doing stupid things.
Your proof, Pop?
No doubt he was the only person who got his message across. I can think of many many important thinkers who got their messages across via satire, including Mark Twain, Jonathan Swift, Will Rogers. BTW - Where did that 150,000 dollar figure come from?
Fess up, Popcorn. You have been asked for proof. Put up or shut up!
Fox News. Prove it wrong.
House Democrats are starting to break ranks on the Colbert rant. Democratic Representative Steny Hoyer from Maryland is saying Colbert's presence on Capitol Hill was inappropriate.
Very inappropriate to spend taxpayer money on a comedian!
Did not find the $150,000 estimate, but I found four other links to the $125,000 estimate. It is hard to groove an estimate as it is an estimate. Maybe the Bard needs some understanding of what an estimate is.
Um - Anonymous the link you provided did not actually support your contention. Did you read it?
MSNBC says "not true." Prove THAT wrong!
The fact MSNBC said it should be proof enough it is a lie.
LOL, yeah because if it is on Fox News it HAS to be true.
ROTFLMAO over "Faux" News!
When one listens to Fox news, one gets both sides of the issue. The truth is there. You just have to make up your own mind rather than let the liberal lame street media do it for you.
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