Saturday, October 21, 2006

The Last Refuge of Scoundrels

The new Karl Rove ad blitz: "Vote Democratic and you'll die. But first, your belly will be opened and your guts displayed. Then your chest cavity will be probed by sharp instruments, before your beating heart is cut out and held aloft for the derision of the Muslim world."

You can see what's being dubbed "the daisy ad" here.

Check out the response of this right-winger to the fear-mongering.

Locally, the Watauga GOP is peddling its best shot at scaring people by claiming, in a postcard mailing that went to 6,000 households, that if you vote for Democratic county commission candidates, you'll be voting to put in steep-slope regs EVERYWHERE. It's the local Republican version of jihadist-fear.

You're too young, we know, to remember WHY this is called "the daisy ad." Go here for an explanation.

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