Saturday, December 16, 2023

Nothing Wrong With Democratic "Performance" During Filing


I'm indebted to Bryan Anderson and his Substack feature "Anderson Alerts" for this piece of intel: As of yesterday noon (the close of candidate filing in NC), of "120 seats in the NC House, 50 in the NC Senate, 14 U.S. House seats, 10 in Council of State races and four statewide judicial contests, a Democrat will be running in all but four of the 198 races."

That's incredible. Especially considering everything the Republicans have done to gerrymander Democrats into a tiny corner and pass other vote-suppression measures intended to keep the GOP in power forever.

Much of the credit goes to Anderson Clayton, the new Chair of the Party, whose very presence at the helm has inspired so much renewed energy and resolve to keep up the fight even against terrible odds.

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