We just watched the most inspiring, the most uplifting, the most beautiful documentary film about an unassuming self-educated man in the above-named town who over several decades has created the most amazing topiary garden on three acres of red clay, using mainly discarded plants thrown away by a local nursery, a man with the unlikely and wholly unforgettable name of Pearl Fryar, a man who's been celebrated now as an original sculptural artist with a generous and compelling vision and a movie to call his own: "
A Man Named Pearl."
Five minutes in and we both looked at each other: "This is a place we've got to go!" So ... a pilgrimage to South Carolina will happen, probably next month. You take I-77 south to Columbia and turn left, the only direction I like to turn in South Carolina.
See what another avid gardener had to
say about the place, with many photographs.
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