Dear __________:
Thank you for your email in support of [in opposition to] ___________. I appreciate your taking the time to share your concerns with me.
So far this Congress over 5,600 bills have been introduced and I have not had a chance to become familiar with _________. However, it is important to let you know that whether ________ comes to the House for a vote is completely in the hands of Speaker Pelosi and the Democrat majority. They control what we are allowed to vote on and the number of cosponsors has no impact. We have some bills with 300 cosponsors which the Speaker refuses to bring up for a vote. Rest assured I have duly noted your support for this legislation.
Please continue to contact me on any issues of concern. Thank you for visiting my award winning website, www.foxx.house.gov. We update our site daily and it is a great resource to learn about constituent services, legislative updates and my work in Congress. I hope you will continue to utilize the website and let me know what you think about it.
Virginia Foxx
Member of Congress
The voter who shared this message with me this morning added this commentary to his forward:
This is so typical of what The Madam writes when one contacts her: first, I don't know what you are talking about. Second, I can't do anything about it anyway because Nancy Pelosi is in charge of making any laws. So I really have a great excuse to do nothing. Such a negative woman! Why should we return to office this kind of placeholder? This is a great reason why one should vote for Billy Kennedy!