Sunday, September 19, 2004

Burr Attacking Bowles with (rah!) Clinton

But what a nothing little TV ad it is! Finally saw the much-dreaded Burr attack ad on Bowles, showing the perennial Republican boogie-man Bill Clinton in Bowles' general vicinity. "Blah, blah, blah, BillClinton," the voice-over says.

But it's half-hearted, at best, almost self-embarrassed to be caught red-handed in this old unimaginative rut. The Burr ad has none of the lick-lipping relish the Republicans used to take in depicting their old intern-humper and demon lover haunting every Democrat office-seeker in the land.

In fact, I found myself thinking, "Oh! There's ole Bill! Gosh, wish we had him back!" This might actually be the race that turns the tide on the sure-fire negative knee-jerk use of the Clinton visage, since in this case it seems to associate Erskine Bowles with good economic times.

And it just asociates Dick Burr with the failure of having any saleable agenda of his own.

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