Friday, February 28, 2025

Thugs Gang Up on the Little Guy, Because That's What They Do



Anonymous said...

This is an absolute disgrace. Not a single word of condemnation for Putin by anyone other than Zelensky. Will any Republican senators stand up for Ukraine after this treatment?? Don't hold your breath... Notice Rubio also sitting silent in that room -- he's made a career of denouncing authoritarians like Castro, sickening hypocrisy that he's now Trump's lapdog on this.

Anonymous said...

350 billion for Ukraine while North Carolina families were sleeping in tents in the snow. Not a dime more for Ukraine. They could have had a deal that would have raised billions to rebuild their country, pay us back for helping them and kept Putin from taking over Ukraine, but some arrogant retarded midget demands we commit to putting our people in his war. Fuck him. I'm sorry for Ukraine, but until they remove Zelensky and open their books for fraud and theft investigation of US aid by US agencies they can cry to the your-a-peons to keep Putin out. And good luck relying on effete your-a-peon grifters.

Anonymous said...

That $350 billion figure is pure Trump fiction. The U.S. has given about $100 billion in aid to Ukraine (which greatly benefits our defense-related economy by the way), and European countries collectively have given even more than that -- they're not just stepping up now, they've been there all along. But you're right, there were a couple of mental midgets in that room the other day, Trump and Vance. To be honest, WE should be thanking Zelensky -- it's his country that has done all the fighting (and dying) in this conflict, sparing the need for any U.S. boots on the ground -- and he's not asking for any now. And if you're really concerned for the welfare of NC families, just wait for that $800 billion in Medicaid cuts to kick in, courtesy of Trump and Musk, literally taking money out of the pockets of the poorest to line those of the billionaire class -- can't wait to hear your outrage then.

Anonymous said...

From the Council on Foreign Relations.
$175 Billion total. As far as some of that money helping the defense industry that is just enriching billionaires even more at the expense of the taxpayer.
And I'm sure that the Ukrainians are OK with not having elections, forced conscription, censorship, political trials and elimination of any opposing parties.
After all, that's why we're there aren't we? to promote 'Democracy'?

Anonymous said...

Yes. If you haven't noticed, the Ukrainians are in the middle of fending off an invasion. Kind of hard to hold an election when you're under siege. What's Putin's excuse? There hasn't been a free and fair election in Russia in more than 25 years since he's been in power, yet not one word of condemnation of Putin -- ever -- from Trump or Vance, who sickeningly are playing the role of Putin's puppets. But I really do hope you're independently wealthy and not affected by the coming cuts to Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, food stamps, VA benefits etc etc -- Ukraine aid is a drop in the bucket compared to the fleecing Trump and Musk have in mind for this country. It is already underway I'm afraid, but good luck to you.

Anonymous said...

Bullshit. They can hold an election. We did in WWII when millions of Americans were deployed overseas. Your incompetence and laziness make it easy for you to excuse denying Ukrainians their basic rights if it benefits the leftist corporations profiting from the war.
And that's all this war is about, company profits for Blackrock, Raytheon, General Dynamics and others that profit from the death of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians.
Democrat bloodlust knows no limits.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but the bloodlust is all yours. Just think about what you're saying for a moment. For some reason, you're upset Zelensky didn't show "proper gratitude" the other day to Trumpsky for a proposal in which Ukraine gets absolutely zero security guarantees in the future -- no leader is in his right mind would be eager for such an arrangement. Instead, this is about Trump seeking to appease his puppetmaster Putin. "Appeasement, a diplomatic strategy that involves making concessions to an aggressive foreign power to avoid war." Does that sound like anyone you know? A certain orange clown, perhaps? Used to be Republicans looked down at appeasers and kowtowers like Neville Chamberlain, Charles Lindbergh etc, but these days they worship one. What changed?? And you know as well as I do that the situation in WWII America and Ukraine 2025 is not even remotely similar -- no foreign power controlled great swaths of our home soil back then and was raining down bombs on our major cities on a daily basis, so please spare us all that ridiculous comparison, as well as your "concern" for the "rights" of Ukrainians as Trump is literally in the midst of selling them down the river. If Putin takes over -- and Trump is doing everything he can to assure that happens -- Ukrainians won't have to worry about elections at all. They'll never have another free and fair one again.

Anonymous said...

Why should we guarantee Ukraine's security with American lives? More Democrat bloodletting to enrich defense contractors and politicians with American sacrifice. Follow the money. The American people owe Ukraine NOTHING. Is Ukraine better off with a Trump agreement, or in continual war with ZERO chance of winning against Russia? It is odd indeed that today's leftists are now the 'Better dead than Red' party.

Red Hornet said...

Our Pluto-Nazis lost this one on Optics. All the funny hats in the world can't fix Stupid. Jerry was right to share the photo of Marco Rubio sinking into the couch cushions. Even a minor leaguer could predict the outcome.The United States is wiping its sweat with with a poop rag, thanks to Doopid Dumpy.
This will cost all Americans, and that ain't fair. We're sh*t faced before the
world. No one trusts the USA. *And what's with this anonymous vs anonymous stuff. Are you ashamed of your names?