Saturday, February 01, 2025

Donald Jethro Trump's Stupid, Terrible, Demoralizing Tax Increase, And It's Not Even Week Three


The Tax Foundation, "the world's leading nonpartisan tax policy 501(c)(3) nonprofit," has estimated that Trump's new tariffs of 25 percent on China and Mexico plus tariffs on 10 percent on China would amount to an average tax increase of more than $830 per US household in 2025. The tariffs on Canada and Mexico alone would increase taxes by $958 billion between 2025 and 2034 on a conventional basis, amounting to an average tax increase of more than $670 per US household in 2025.

To say nothing of the price of common consumer and industrial ingredients that Americans depend on weekly.

What a pinhead.


Red Hornet said...

Canada, Mexico and China have the means to punish the USA for tariffs.
And Trump is risking a Depression. It's analogous to deporting the backbone of our workforce: Immigrants. Dumpy has appointed crazy racists and sexists.
When Karoline Leavitt was asked about Canada cutting off hydro generated electricity she said, "Jesus didn't have electricity, and he got by alright."
Our government may soon collapse because Elon Musk is now playing with the payments function in the US Treasury. His team brought their own servers to copy data on Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security and Veterans benefits. (think I'm lying, look it up). Our data could go up on the dark web. A weak chaotic country like us can't fight the whole world. We're 4% of world population. China has more than 4 times the people and produces far more than us. And that is why many products we depend on might be suddenly cut off. Our billionaires would rather leave than open factories. They already have all the money, as debt we owe them. I think this sabotage is MAGA's attempt to impose a nutjob
totalitarian dictatorship on us by Austerity and starvation. What do
you think? Maybe you think sadism is fun, watching genocides, deportations and seizures. It has come home now. People who believed Trump were stupid,
and now we all suffer. I'm not gonna forgive.

Wolf's Head said...

Buckle up, buttercup! It's only week three! HAhahahaha!

Anonymous said...

You're so glib, Wolf. But one thing you're not is effective in any way for defending Trump or his actions. You haven't called into question anything Mr. Williamson has said or posted, you haven't argued that what he's seeing is incorrect in any way. You're just a tired and tiresome cheerleader whose pompoms are looking pretty tattered and faded. In other words, you're nothing but a boring troll who doesn't know when to shut up or that logical argument is a possibility. Why Williamson keeps posting your perfectly useless bilge is beyond me.

Wolf's Head said...

Anon 9:25. TOTALLY up to JW if anything I send is posted or not.

Maybe you're right, I've haven't called enough into question or been effective enough in defending Trump's actions.

So here it goes. Everything Red Hornet posted above is hyperbolic psychotic drivel. BECAUSE...

Punish the US for tariffs? Mexico's already caved. Canada will soon follow. China may try to do something, but in the end, Trump will get his way because the world needs US more than we need them.

I also note that Colombia surrendered after a couple hours to Trump's demands, including taking back their illegals and providing transportation to do so.

Panama is caving now. We will not have to pay anymore to transit military ships through the canal and we are stopping China's control there. (so much for RH's 'China will kick our ass' drivel)

Venezuela Is also caving. providing transport to bring back their people including the Tren de Aragua gangsters.

Rubio is in El Salvador, and I have great confidence we will have a mutually beneficial relationship with them. Bukele has turned his country around and it's the safest in the world. AND no taxes.

Mexico now has 10,000 troops on our border to stop drugs and human trafficking. See how easy that was? You lefties are all defeatists, 'oh, it can't be done!' or 'you're being a bully!'. All it takes is strength and the will to use it with moral authority.

Government collapse? We are WELL on our way to an economic collapse due to debt and interest. The left wants this so they can reform the ashes into their new utopia. All caused by the government and both parties. Only by severe cuts of unnecessary and wasteful programs coupled with an economic boom will stop it.

Federal payments MUST be audited, and any corruption rooted out. All the Inspector Generals Trump FIRED were a rubber stamp for Congress and the President. There was NEVER any effort to control waste and abuse until now. As for Social Security, which I do get, as well as Medicare, can YOU VERIFY there isn't any fraud, waste or abuse? No, you can't, so this is more hysterics on R.H.'s part. And our info is on the Dark Web from bad and incompetent actors in government and business as well as criminals. If Musk so much as twitches his nose wrong the dems will have him in chains in a heartbeat.

I note that Musk's team that's dissecting government payments are 'Autists', a term I've not heard before. They are young, in their twenties, though I read one just graduated high school, Autistic and geniuses. I suppose the Autistic will now be targeted by the left for DARING to challenge the establishment.

As for taking on the world, we always have since our founding. All the world's governments hate our experiment in freedom and opportunity because it denies the rule of elites over plebeians. R.H. hints at China being better and more powerful. Nonsense. They're population is collapsing at an astonishing rate, a 48% decline by the end of the century, but I think it will be greater. China is becoming a paper tiger, and they're economy depends on trade with US. Militarily, they can cause trouble but won't because it will unite the world against them.

Totalitarian dictatorship? Not going to happen when we have free speech and half the guns on the planet. And who has been trying to take that away? (Look in the effing mirror)

All this is, is Trump Derangement Syndrome. Our country needs a restoration to basic American values, morals and governance. The left denied us reform, and the denial of reform has led to revolution, which is what Trump's doing. The Left has been pounding us for a hundred years to form a new society that, whatever it claims, would just be another oligarchy of the "enlightened, equitable and caring" Elites over a population of workers who whole reason for existence is to provide the Elites with the lifestyle of extreme self-indulgence.

Hope this is sufficient for Anon 9:25. Trump is doing what he was elected to do.

Clean house and kick ass.

Anonymous said...

"Our country needs a restoration to basic American values, morals and governance".

Sounds like a white, christian, authoritarian state to me.

Anonymous said...

Hounddog sounds like he don't know where his next bowl of Old Roy is coming from. He is howling but Dumpy up at the big house can't hear him because of Musk's Proud Boy Hacker Puppet Show on Newsmax. Houndy's belly is growling so loud he may have to put his shotgun in his mouth to silence it. Sad to hear that about you only having half a gun, reminds me of Hitler's testicle(s).