Sunday, March 16, 2025

Trump Admin Directly Hurting Small Farmers in North Carolina


The State Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services received a letter from the United States Department of Agriculture earlier this month stating it will no longer receive funding for the Local Food Purchase Assistance Program.


Bottomline in this particular instance of the Trump dictatorship: Some $11 million in Federal money will be lost for North Carolina farmers -- not the poor, not the hungry -- but the farmers whose vegetable crops get purchased for the seven recognized non-profit food banks across the state. It's government charity that helps sustain good struggling small farmers. There's nothing evil about it. Nothing that isn't a practical benefit for the types of entrepreneurs that life itself depends on. It's what government should do. Unless compassion itself is evil to you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Instead of "sustain good struggling small farmers" why not get the government off their back, end income tax and end the inheritance tax that forces families to sell arms. And while you're at it, stop funding corporate farms with you tax code and onerous regulations on small farms?
That would also make the cost of living less and promote job growth.