Wednesday, March 05, 2025

Self-Pitier in Chief


self-pity, noun -- excessive, self-absorbed unhappiness over one's own troubles

Trump last night:  “The people sitting right here will not clap [he meant the united Democratic Party], will not stand and certainly will not cheer for these astronomical achievements ["astronomical achievements" including higher prices, a plunging market, and the stupidity of mass-firings]. They won’t do it no matter what.”

Later, Trump compared the treatment he received on the internet to the victims of revenge porn, saying “nobody gets treated worse than I do online.” That was random. But to his point, he provoked it, fanned the flame, gave as good as he got and usually preemptively. 

It takes a self-pitier to lie like Trump does:

Trump claimed falsely that he had inherited an “economic catastrophe” from Mr. Biden. In fact, the United States had the strongest economy in the world when Mr. Trump took over, but it has been showing signs of strain in recent weeks amid federal funding cuts and tariffs.

He addressed his opponents in the audience with contempt, gloating about his election victory, mocked them for his ability to evade prosecutions and called Mr. Biden the worst president in American history. (NYTimes)

 Remember the message to Zelenskyy. "You haven't praised or thanked me enough."

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Anonymous said...
