Monday, June 04, 2007

Foxx Scratches Own Haunch, Alerts Voters

You can see in the graphic to the right how much Congresswoman Virginia Foxx spends on the bulk-mailing of her propaganda to the 5th Dist., compared to what other N.C. Congressmen spend (graphic courtesy of BlueNC).

In the last biennium Foxx spent more than double her next nearest competitor, Patty McHenry in the 10th Dist. According to the W-S Journal, the AVERAGE for Congressmen during the same period is some $55,000.

This by the woman who claims to be such a fiscal conservative that her heart constricts a little every time a Katrina victim gets a free meal.

And typical of Foxx's charming personality, when the W-S Journal reporter pointed out that she was spending much more than any other member of the N.C. delegation, she replied, "So what?"

That's the Foxx version of accountability.

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