Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Anti-Abortion Extremist Ain't Sorry

Eric Robert Rudolph has been busily writing letters from prison since his arrest in southwest North Carolina for the Olympic Park and several other bombings ... all such violence justifiably provoked, Rudolph says, by the immorality of American women who have abortions and American men who love other men.

"Perhaps I should have found a peaceful outlet for my opposition to the government in Washington: maybe I should have been a lawyer and fought [for] decency in the face of this rotten system; perhaps I could have taken up teaching and sought to inculcate a healthy outlook in a decidedly unhealthy society," he writes. "But I didn't do any of these things, and I resorted to force to have my voice heard. However wrongheaded my tactical decision to resort to violence may have been, morally speaking my actions were justified."

There's a shiver for your spine -- "morally justified violence" -- in between your guffaws that the legal profession might have missed by a hair having Eric Rudolph as a member of the bar.

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