Friday, September 13, 2024

Thom Tillis Serves Weak Tea


Tillis stood out as the rare Republican who openly criticized Trump for not doing real debate preparations, evident from his lack of ready-to-use quips to criticize Harris for the Biden administration’s handling of the border and inflation, issues on which voters tend to favor Republicans.

--Paul Kane, WashPost 

“I believe that we missed a lot of opportunities last night,” Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) said on Wednesday, using that we as a way of not mentioning loser Trump by name.

Tillis recalled how, after trailing the unfortunate Cal Cunningham for a good portion of his 2020 reelection bid, he worked with senior aides who came up with a line that they made Tillis rehearse over and over again.

“If you will say that 11 times, I’ll buy you a steak dinner,” his debate coach said, according to Tillis. He uttered the line 11 times and narrowly won reelection.

“I got the steak dinner,” he recalled, but Tillis didn't tell reporter Kane what the line was. I've tried to find it and wonder if he's referring to this from his Sept. 14, 2020, debate with Cunningham: "Cal has said anything he could to get elected." That's the closest thing to a quip I've found, and it's pretty weak tea.

“When you do not heed the advice of experts in politics, you’re probably going to go into dangerous waters,” Tillis said, without actually quoting Trump's memorable pratfall, "They eat dogs!"


Red Hornet said...

What did Budd-Ted say? He's the other Bumpstock in the Senate. Maybe, "Throw another cat on the barbie."

Anonymous said...

The left's dehumanizing of Trump is working! Another assassination attempt today. The left won't stop until he's dead.

Red Hornet said...

Trump sub-humanized himself with crimes, lies, stupidity, racism and sexism.
He created a dangerous, violent environment for himself.
By advocating against gun regulation he's like Daffy Duck screaming,
"Shoot me now, or shoot me later!"

Wolf's Head said...

Since you claim Trump and his MAGA supporters are an existential threat to democracy, and given the left's predilection to violence, what are you going to do to them when Trump loses the election?

Wolf's Head said...

Someone cannot 'sub-humanize' themselves. 'Sub-humanizing' is how others, and society as a whole, treats an individual or group, and the Left excels at that. You are treating Trump and MAGA the way you claim they are treating the Haitians in Ohio. By our Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights a person is ENTITLED to their own opinions no matter how they are received by others, including racism and sexism. If one is 'sub-humanized' by committing a crime is Hunter Biden also 'sub-human' and deserving of your hatred? I see that despite the thousands of gun laws in the US Sunday's assailant was able to obtain some sort of rifle to carry out the attack, and he had to be known to the CIA and FBI because he was recruiting mercenaries for your war in Ukraine. Your hatred for Trump incites violence by the mentally unstable, and the left is rife with them.

Wolf's Head said...

From Red Hornet's comment above, he must agree with Hillary Clinton and Paula Collins on internment for MAGA in re-education camps. Such camps resulted in 1.6 million dead in the USSR, and many more have died and been used as slave labor in other countries such as China. This is where Red Hornet's rhetoric leads.

Red Hornet said...

We knew Old Hound Dog was a licker (like Laura Loomer) but he went way up in Mark Robinson's industrial cleavage on this one. The Hitler-Schtick is a package deal, and when your tongue is over-extended for Donald Trump, Roy Cohn and Jeffrey Epstein start sending you dog whistles from their coffins, and you hold out your paws for wooden nickles like an organ grinder's squirrel monkey on a leash.. Just tell old Franklin Graham you didn't get none this time and brace for an ass-kicking. You had it coming.

Wolf's Head said...

" Your hatred for Trump incites violence by the mentally unstable, and the left is rife with them." thank you, Red Hornet, for proving my point.

Anonymous said...

Mark Robinson said , "some people need killing". Who's dehumanizing?