Monday, September 23, 2024

Mark Robinson Expected at Blue Ridge Diner

Sizable crowd -- judging from the number of cars there -- already gathered at the Blue Ridge Diner about 15 minutes before candidate Mark Robinson's expected arrival time of 2:30. Very full parking lot (which isn't that extensive, but still).

This morning Thomas Mills characterized the cult-like MAGA following that will vote for Robinson no matter what.

Over in Republicanland, the rank and file seems largely ignorant of Mark Robinson’s escapades at the Nude Africa porn site. Those who know about it, believe it’s another media hit piece. An online activist demanded that GOP elected officials issue statements of support for Robinson or else, though none are forthcoming....

North Carolina Republican candidates and elected officials are distancing themselves .... And they are hoping their MAGA base won’t notice. They’re not an inquisitive bunch, easy marks. They’ve been trained to believe lies and readily embrace batshit crazy conspiracy theories. Maybe they’ll believe that Robinson is a victim of an AI smear campaign....

Watching the cult turn out for Robinson is giving new significance to the descriptive term "low information" voters. 


Anonymous said...

Well, I don't approve of what Robinson is alleged to have done, but at least he didn't shower with his teen aged daughter. (according to HER)
Besides, Democrats must be kept out of office.

Anonagain said...

In driving by the Watauga Republican headquarters on 105, it looks like they have purged their property of Robinson signs. I think they had several there last week, but the last time I went by, they were all gone!

Anonymous said...

I noticed the same re the Robinson signs. Three Dems stopped by HQ on their way to see Robinson. Not supporters by any means, but they were hoping Robinson might take their questions.

Anonymous said...

How about peeping over the wall of a womens public shower?

Anonymous said...

Oh, I didn't know Biden did that also. Showering with his daughter is bad enough.

Anonymous said...

Good grief. That has been debunked numerous times. Besides, Biden isn’t running for anything.

whatshisname said...

As has been said, that's been debunked and Biden isn't running for anything so try to keep up. But what is true because everyone saw him say it on the tellybision is that if Ivanka weren't Trump's daughter he'd want to date her. He's bragged publicly about how well developed she is "up top". And if that weren't bad enough, there are some awfully suggestive photos of Trump with his hands on his daughter's waist looking down - how shall I say this? - below where a father should be looking at his daughter. But, please. Do lecture us on the morality and appropriateness of family relations while we point out that Biden's daughter spoke powerfully and lovingly of her father when she introduced him at the DNC while Ivanka was nowhere to be found at the RNC, hasn't been seen within a million miles of her father's campaign and then come back here and talk to us some more about which father does or doesn't have an appropriate relationship with his daughter and which daughter does or doesn't still stand proudly by her father's side.