Sunday, August 04, 2024

The Wrath of Women


After the Dobbs decision, we believed the sudden end of a right women had counted on since 1973 would energize the vote for Democrat Joe Biden in 2024. But that strike-back energy on the left slowly dissipated even as the image of Joe Biden deflated. By just a few weeks ago, it didn't seem like woman power could save him.

Things are different now.

There are goddesses among us, and they are by gawd NOT going to be disrespected. The disrespect, rising in some extreme bros as outright hatred, is embodied by nobody better than J.D.Vance, who has made the case repeatedly that women are primarily breed stock, and Vance is connected through the psychic umbilical cord to that other man, Donald J. Trump, who in May 2023 was found liable for sexually abusing and defaming E. Jean Carroll, that trial but a substitute for all the other accusations against Trump by other women. The goddesses don't forget this shit.

The goddess Taylor Swift begins to resemble Winged Justice as she gets more and more politically involved with voting rights (she urged young people to register and vote in 2018 against Marsha Blackburn in Tennessee and endorsed Democrats in down-ballot races); racial justice (she supported Black Lives Matter); gun reform (in 2018 she supported the March For Our Lives campaign, a series of marches organized by the survivors of the school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas H.S.); anti-discrimination (gave a surprise performance in 2019 at New York’s Stonewall Inn for Pride Day); and #MeToo (Swift became one of the founding signatories of Time’s Up, an advocacy group for survivors of sexual battery, and donated to its legal defense fund). She's also apparently single-handedly responsible for destroying professional football.

In rallying her ... several supporters to vote for Democrats in 2018 in Tennessee, Swift wrote a public statement: “In the past I’ve been reluctant to publicly voice my political opinions, but due to several events in my life and in the world in the past two years, I feel very differently about that now.” She also excoriated Republican Senate hopeful Marsha Blackburn as an enemy of gender equality and LGBTQ rights based on her legislative record. [Miles Klee]

Taylor Swift as avatar warrior for women aside (I'm no Swiftie and pay little attention to celebrity news), the unification of millions of women (let alone the men) behind Kamala Harris,  -- I hate to overstate things right in the middle of a fulmination of passion for justice that ain't nowhere near reaching its zenith -- something monumental is underway and is literally the hope for saying our system.

The MAGA majority are doing their part to add fire to the wrath of women. The whole MAGAverse, it seems, is taking its cues dutifully from Trump and making a big cry about Kamala Harris as "a DEI hire." The message to America (and believe me, the women get it) is that only white men are really eligible for office. Harris has a top notch education, spent years as a prosecutor, was California's attorney general, a U.S. Senator (where her grilling of Brett Kavanaugh became instantly famous), and finally won election to the vice presidency of the United States. The lack of respect for any of that is only a barometer of how badly the enlightened women of America want to punish that viewpoint.

I found great inspiration is what a woman said in Atlanta at that enormous rally Kamala held very recently, about whether what's happening in 2024 resembles the 2008 surge for Obama: “It’s similar in terms of the happiness and the hope that we have, but it’s different because it’s a woman,” she said. “And so I can look at you, you can look at me, and we’re two women, and we get it. I’m telling you something. I go on my walks in the morning, I see women of color, and we just look at each other. And we just smile like, yeah, sis, we got this. We got this.” [Michelle Goldberg]

We all got this.

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