Sunday, August 18, 2024

Zero Degrees of Separation


Roy Cohn with
Joe McCarthy

Trump is calling Kamala Harris a "communist" and sometimes a "Marxist."

I did a double take, then let out a vocal display that could only be called a chortle, because the 1950s and '60s ain't dead -- they're living in Trump's genius brain.

But after all, the connection between Senator Joseph R. McCarthy, who said he saw communists almost literally everywhere in government, and Donald R. Trump, who's clearly running out of his particular brand of gas, was one lawyer named Roy Cohn, who taught both men at opposite ends of his career how to be truculent (savage, abrasive, amoral) and remain unrepentant. Take no prisoners, slander at will, and never take any of it back.


Wolf's Head said...

Anonymous said...

"Opinion by Post Editorial Board"

Just another dog barking

Wolf's Head said...

Yep, and opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one.
However, this opinion is from a major news outlet, not some backwater leftist.