Friday, August 02, 2024

A Debate I'm Sorry I Missed


Jeff Jackson vs. Dan Bishop, both running to be Attorney General of NC, held at the Charlotte Convention Center on Friday, June 21, 2024 (reported on by Steve Harrison, WFAE)


The tenor of the debate: Bishop saying Jackson is a soft-on-crime liberal, while Jackson called Bishop an extremist who isn’t fit to be attorney general.

--Steve Harrison



Bishop warned that Jackson might use the attorney general’s office to further his own political agenda, and compared current Democratic Attorney General Stein and his predecessor, Cooper, to Letitia James, New York’s attorney general who has been after Donald Trump (successfully).

 "She vowed in her campaign to use every power at her disposal to pursue and destroy one particularly despised political enemy,” Bishop said. “That is the end of the law in this nation if that is permitted to continue.”

Jackson immediately fired back.

“Speaking of the end of law in this nation, all of that big speech was just given to you by someone who voted against certifying the last election,” Jackson said. “He was a lawyer. He knew better. He decided to pander to the people who stormed the Capitol. So let’s start there.”

Much of the debate is preserved in a Tim Boyum "Tying It Together" podcast


I can find no recent polling on this race, which is as crucial as any other race in the state, including governor, because would-be top cop Dan Bishop considers himself the whip of God, which speaks to his cruelty and his selfish view of the law. I want none of that running the attorney general's office.

What can I say about Jeff Jackson. I've watched him for years. I think he's honest, unaffected, sincere to his bones, and he's the best communicator, next to Anderson Clayton, that the North Carolina Democratic Party currently has. He's good at explaining the jungle rhythms of the U.S. Congress, and I dig his wide-eyed surprise at the weirdness of the present moment.

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