Monday, August 19, 2024

Robinson, Wrapped Around the Axle


“I have not changed my view about abortion, but I’ve changed my approach to it.” 

--Mark Robinson, candidate for Governor, on WBT's “Good Morning BT with Bo Thompson & Beth Troutman”

"I have not changed my mind about eliminating humanity, but I've changed my approach to it. No thunder or lightning."

--Jehovah, to Noah

"The trick is not to approach at all." 

--Abbie Hoffman 

With Trump's calling Kamala Harris a communist, and now Mark Robinson's saying he's sorry for preaching too much and too loudly on abortion, the 2024 Blue Wave is looking more formidable by the day. Especially so, when men like Robinson attempt empathy and display only a creepy paternalism and condescension toward women:

“I've changed my approach to [abortion] because I really believe that if I’m a person who is seen as an individual who’s standing on a stage pointing down at a young woman saying, ‘You can’t have an abortion,’ that is not the right approach. The right approach is to come down off the stage, embrace that young woman, and tell them about the reasons why I believe she should choose life, and then ultimately leaving it up to her based on the laws that we have on the books.”

Yeah, that's the ticket, Mr. Robinson, mansplaining to a young woman, who knows her own mind, how you of all humans available to her know what's best.

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