Thursday, March 18, 2010

Always a Liar

Madam Foxx held her townhall in Statesville on Monday and then went to Congress on Tuesday and lied about it:
Yesterday I had a town hall in Statesville, North Carolina, with about 175 people there. They are very upset about this proposed health care reform bill.

The estimate of 175 people is off by 50-75, but worse is her complete failure to admit that at least 40% of that crowd supported the president and not her. Until her staff started screening the questions, they were running 2-1 against her position. Then suddenly, the only people called on were fawning sycophants.


  1. Wolf'S Head7:55 PM

    WOW!!! Another "Foxx is terrible" rant.

    What a surprise.

  2. Mike D.12:29 AM

    Yeah, it is getting a little creepy.

    Less than 72 hours to a vote that will, one way or the other, fundamentally change the political landscape of our country, but WataugaWatch continues with its 7th (seventh) straight post on Virginia Foxx.

  3. Mike D.1:00 AM


    If the newest Gallup poll is correct, then 55% of American oppose the Senate bill, while only 35% support it.  Foxx's audience was 40% stacked with individuals who insult Tea-Partiers, but have suddenly adopted the Tea-Party town-hall sit-in strategy, demonstrating that imitation truly is the purest form of flattery.

    But, nevermind that the crowd was stacked by, well.... by you.  Let's let that rest for a moment and just focus on the percentages that you proudly parade in this post.  60% in favor of Foxx's position, and 40% in favor of Obama's position, right?  Is this not the breakdown you are celebrating and trumpeting? 

    Well, it doesn't sound that different than the Gallup poll which shows 55% opposing Obama's plan and 35% supporting it.

    One more interesting interpolation of the data you present.  You said that, when it came to speaking out, the questions critical of Foxx's position outnumbered those that favored her position by a ratio of 2 to 1, or 67% to 33%.  But you claim that she enjoyed 60% support for her position.  So, if it were a crowd of 100 people, as you estimate, and lets just say, for the sake of the argument, that 30 questions, in total, were asked.  Then those 40 opposed to Foxx would account for 20 of the questions, or one question for every other person, while the 60 who supported her position accounted for only 10 questions, or one question for every six people.

    So, this Virginia Foxx is the same person you recently criticized for choosing a forum that would not allow any challenging questions to get through.  Now, you criticize her for not having 100% support from those asking questions at her town hall meeting.

    J.W., I like you, but this is not decent human behavior.  I am not going to tell you how to live your life, but this is clearly warped logic to justify truly unfair treatment of another human being, and if you look within your heart, you know that what I say is true.

    Seven posts in a row, attacking one individual?

  4. Moose6:47 AM

    If you folks don't want to read about Foxx, then don't come here! It's JW's blog and he can write about whatever he chooses. You folks can start your own blogs - it's a free country!

  5. Mike D.9:10 AM


    I bring it up because I care about J.W.

  6. Opinionated10:19 AM

    Lemme see...this is a political blog, and the blogger chooses to write about someone who purports to represent this area in Congress.  OMG!!!!  Alert!  Alert!  What was he thinking!

  7. Mike D.10:39 AM


    Lately, there has been much less participation on this site, and some of my favorite contributors are gone.  Even Shyster hardly ever posts here anymore.

    As you guys say, it's certainly not my blog, but is it not acceptable to make recommendations to the administrator?

  8. Ah! The old switch and bait mic trick by the Foxx...........

  9. BikerBard3:38 PM

    You can find those clowns on the other site. Who needs morons to spout the GOP tired, old dogma? I say, "Good riddance!" They brought no insight nor intelligence.

  10. BikerBard3:40 PM

    Shyster: "Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio, our Mike D. turns his lonely eyes to you, whoo hoo oo?" :'(

  11. Mike D.4:27 PM


    Those "clowns" whom I miss are Shyster, Stumpy, Morgan, Rich N White, and others... none of whom post on that other site, and most of them liberals.

  12. Mike D.4:27 PM

    Thanks, BikerBard.  You made my day. :)

  13. loopy7:47 PM

    Since this is JWs blog he can post as many times as he wants to about Foxx. It seems that every post demonstrates something negative that she has done. She obviously likes the partisan punching but is unaware of the problems in the stances she takes as a result. But she doesn't like partisanship in her locale; she prefers it to be on cable channels.

    Thee's no lying going on when JW says that there were maybe 100 people there and nearly half of them did not support Foxx's agenda or her ideology in opposition to the health care bill. The lying is all Foxx, 24/7. The worst thing is that she can't adequately defend her ideological positions because there is no subtlety in her bones.

  14. shyster5:25 AM

    <p>Mike and Biker, you may rest assured that I am here and following the thread. As I have said on any number of occassions I don't live in or vote in Boone or your district. While I have my opinion on all matters Foxx, as an outsider, I choose not to share them.
    </p><p>I stopped posting on W.C. some time ago when it truly became the toilet of facts, ideas and logic. 
    </p><p>I appreciate a good argument and all I got over there was dreck, drama, misstatements, anger, twisted logic, slavish adherence to the party line and anger.
    </p><p>It became the W.C. of politics and I just had to wipe my ass of it and walk away.

  15. BikerBard9:04 AM

    Good to hear from you, Shyster! I had a similiar journey on A.W.C., and also "wiped my ass" of it. I was getting much too angry in response to those morons who refuse to listen to the truth. Birthers, deny-ers, liars, tea-baggers who protest but don't know more for me.

    You are kind of like my "sky God being." I know you are there, listening, caring and watching out for us,  We talk, but you don't always respond. We just have to have faith you are there. ;)

    Ramen, ramen, I say unto you.
    Pax, friend.

  16. shyster9:15 AM

    Biker. You may rest safe in the thought that I am always here. May you be touched and caressed by his noodley appendage and bathed in his infinite ragu. Ramen, my brother.

  17. shyster9:19 AM

    <span>Biker. You may rest safe in the thought that I am always here. May you be touched and caressed by his noodley appendage and bathed in his infinite ragu. Ramen, my brother.</span>
    Someone said the other day, "How can you call yourself an Atheist? It's not possible or logical to NOT believe in something that doesn't exist."
    I relied on my Pastafarian faith to pull me through.

  18. Why is it that the Republicans who supported a plan in 1993 that was similar to Obama's plan are now against it.

  19. BikerBard8:53 PM

    Faith is what you believe. For me, that is God. For you, is the absence of same. I think the world is a big enough place for us to respect each other's views and peacefully co-exist. I enjoy the benefits of multi-denominational thought and practice.

    Again, Ramen. And peace, my brother of the great noodle.

  20. BikerBard8:56 PM

    Because the leaders of the GOP ordered it. Watch the lemmings junp together.

  21. bridle9:01 PM

    Who ever that someone was, needs to rethink his/her incredible statement. It's impossible to not believe in the tooth fairy if the tooth fairy doesn't exist? What kind of education are people getting in schools to come up with that nonsense

  22. Concerned Citizen11:54 PM

    The Foxx supposed Town Hall in Statesville was a hate-filled sham, in which participants could be heard referring to our President with the "N" word.  Many Foxx supporters were not there because of concerns about health care, but were there simply because they oppose our President on EVERYTHING.  Foxx staffers gave contradictory information to those who wanted to ask questions, and were able to keep any substantive questions from being posed.  For example, "Why is publich health insurance ok for you, Representative Foxx, but not for the least of us?"

    I am thankful for Billy Kennedy's courageous opposition to this hate-filled "representative."

  23. Jailer5:12 PM

    I guess not using your screen name as Shyster when you comment on W.C., as Biker Bard does, gives you that Clintonesque bit of truth. The word you are looking for is Whipped. 
