Friday, March 19, 2010

Talk to the Hand

Congressman Heath Shuler (NC-11) sez he isn't influenced by who's giving him money.

The Asheville Citizen-Times reports that on March 4 Congressman Shuler was the beneficiary of a breakfast fundraiser at the offices of Patton Boggs, a super powerful Washington law firm that shills for the health care industry. "Patton Boggs represents ... Fortune 500 companies, major trade associations, insurers, physician and care providers, hospitals and pharmaceutical companies." They invited all their powerful lobbyist buddies to come on down for a bagel and cream cheese with Congressman Shuler. Don't you know they all whipped out those check books.

"We don't vote based on who's made contributions, never have," said Shuler's chief of staff, Hayden Rogers.

No, hanging out with those well groomed, expensively heeled "suits" would never sway the likes of Congressman Shuler. We're supposed to believe that (having not only fallen off the turnip truck yesterday but also having landed on our heads).

Footnote: There was some oo-ing and ah-ing last week among North Carolina organizers for OFA that Shuler had budged slightly, going from definitely against President Obama's (Senate) plan for health-insurance "reform" to "undecided." If we could discover within us any enthusiasm whatsoever for that Senate bill, we might be mildly inclined to cluck over that tiny morsel. It's not how Shuler ultimately votes that bothers us so much as his bland denial of the wholesale theft of democracy going on under his buttered toast.


  1. Mike D.11:29 AM

    Much better!

    Thanks, J.W. :)

  2. anyone know the deadline to register to vote in the rep primary?

  3. BikerBard3:33 PM

    Better than what?

  4. Mike D.4:23 PM

    Better than seven threads in a row about Virginia Foxx, BikerBard.

  5. Wolf'S Head4:30 PM

    Thank God, a posting that doesn't mention Foxx.

    You libs are going to be disappointed if healthacre reform passes and you see how well the insurance companies will come out of it.

    They have been dealing with Obama on getting this passed. Their profits will rise, just like "Big Pharma".

  6. Wolf, I don't like the health care bill either but it really doesn't matter. The whole thing is going to come crashing down in a decade or so anyway. The current system is unsustainable. The current bill may buy another 5 years before it crashes. I may not live to see it, but if the country wants to actually get in the game of competing globally, we're going to have to change our current system to a single payer OR a system like Germany has. The smartest thing to do ECONOMICALLY is to allow an optional Medicare buy in at cost for everyone under 65.  At cost, meaning no money added to the deficit. But I'm not waiting for the country to turn sane any time soon.

  7. jj, I don't knw when early voting starts or where the sites will be, but you can register to vote and vote on the same day during early voting.

  8. My career is in healthcare5:12 PM

    Democrat or Republican, come together, please call your representative and beg them to no on healthcare reform bill.  Much has been hidden from us as Americans since Mr. Obama took office.  The bill is a disaster waiting to happen.  Let's face tje reality before us.  I realize this site is more leaning to the Democrat side; however, we as Americans must stop what is going on in Washington now.  I am going with a group from North Carolina to protest.  Thank you for allowing me to post on this site.  I am an independent.

  9. Wolf'S Head6:11 PM

    Good luck on your trip Echo. I sincerly hope it is defeated.

    But expect no respect, logic or common sense from the posters here.

    Except from me, of course.

  10. BikerBard6:54 PM

    Crawl back under the bridge, Wolf's Head Up His A**. Health care reform is certain to pass. And none too soon!

  11. Wolf'S Head9:25 PM

    Well I see that BikeRetard has once again proved my last post.

  12. BikerBard8:49 AM

    The only point you have is on the top of your head. Go back under the bridge, now.
