Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Foxx's Epic Fail as Economist

PolitiFact, a project of the St. Petersburg Times "to help you find the truth in American politics," has done a detailed and point-by-point fact-check on a statement by Congresswoman Virginia Foxx which she made on the floor of the U.S. House on March 9, 2010:
"The economy began its nose dive when Democrats took control of Congress in January 2007."

Among the many factual problems with such a partisan and self-serving statement (which you can read for yourself at the link above), PolitiFact included a comment from an economist with the conservative Heritage Foundation that "the economy did not technically begin a nose dive when the Democrats took over" and that Madam Foxx had established "no statistical causation between political party in power and economic growth."

She should stick to what she knows, or to what Republican spin-meister Frank Luntz tells her to say, or to those reliable stand-bys of blaming poor people for getting hungry and Matthew Shepherd for having money enough to get robbed and murdered.


  1. Mike D.11:31 AM

    Before deciding whether handing over more control of health care to the federal government is a good way to bring down costs, I would like to see a comparative analysis of the cost, per prescription, of various brand-name and generic drugs, a spreadsheet that compares Medicare vs. WalMart in terms of how much they pay out, per prescription.

    Anyone know if such a study exists?

  2. Mike D.2:46 PM

    Method Average

    Medicare Part D Payment Amounts

    Current FUL 572
    AMP-Based FUL 542

    Retail Discount Generic Program Prices

    Current FUL 291
    AMP-Based FUL 279

    Yeeeeahhhh..... No,

  3. Anonymous3:05 PM

    You wouldn't trust your health care to Walmart, if they had a monopoly, would you?

  4. Anonymous3:37 PM

    God Damn JW, is Foxx ALL you can post about? this is ridiculous.

    You ARE obsessed with Foxx, does your wife know?


  5. Syd Fynch3:51 PM

    Keep up the good work, WW. Foxx is part of the luntic fringe that is the SHAME of this country and she needs to be given't her walking papers. She's bad for NC and bad for America. Don't let the sheep spammers disuade you from posting everything you can that shows her in her true light.

  6. Syd Fynch3:55 PM

    more lies and disinformation to wade through....

    this healthcare bill is hardly handing over the healthcare system to the government. We should all be so lucky to be able to have guaranteed healthcare, but because there is no oversight and controls now because of 30 years of de-regulation and pandering to the rich, millions have no healthcare options at all. If you'd ever been turned away from the PRIVATE sector because you had a pre-existing condition 10 years ago, you'd be up in arms to get reform in place as well.

    All you teabaggers and Glen Beck freaks can simply curl up and die. We're going to get healthcare passed despite you.

  7. Anonymous5:50 PM

    It's so good to know that there are people out there who take the time to prove what we all know to be true: Foxx is an adroit liar.

  8. BikerBard5:53 PM

    Last "guest" post- the BikerBard

  9. She is also nothing more than an opportunist.

  10. BikerBard8:02 AM


  11. Anonymous10:44 AM

    It's really hard to deal with the fact that we are represented in congress by such an embarrassment of a congressperson.  She is a disgrace on a national level and makes all of us look bad.

  12. BikerBard9:08 AM

    Any good bets out on today's Health Reform Bill vote? Race time 2 pm.
