Friday, February 07, 2025

Snotnose Republican Freshman in NC House Intends To Limit Early Voting



Last Wednesday, Feb. 5th, Republican state Rep. Wyatt Gable filed a bill in Raleigh to drastically cut the early voting period in North Carolina from three weeks down to a mere six days, with a prohibition against any Sunday voting (because it's favored by Black voters, we assume).

Gable is an Onslow County Republican who just won election to his first term in November as a 22-year-old East Carolina University student. 

Did he not realize the enthusiastic participation by Republican voters in early voting last November? Republicans have caught on to the pleasures that they had eschewed because early voting had been such a consistent practice among Democrats. But Republicans out-voted Democrats in 2024 early voting by over 166,000.

Yet genius Gable wants to inconvenience everyone. Republicans don't seem capable of pausing their assault on voting rights, even when a particular option has greatly favored them. 

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