Friday, February 07, 2025

NC Republicans Don't Like It When A.G. Jeff Jackson Calls Jethro "Unlawful"


On January 21st, the day after Donald Jethro Trump issued an executive order supposedly changing the Constitution to deny citizenship to any person born in these United States, NC Attorney General Jeff Jackson joined 20 other attorneys general to file a lawsuit in DeeCee seeking to block the "flagrantly unlawful attempt to strip hundreds of thousands [of] American-born children of their citizenship based on their parentage."

On Wednesday, Feb. 5, three North Carolina Senate Republicans -- Tim Moffitt, Eddie Settle, and Bobby Hanig -- filed a bill to restrict Jeff Jackson, from suing to block any flagrantly unlawful presidential executive orders and from taking legal action against any bills passed by the General Assembly.

That's how the clown-car does it: Hobble justice itself, remove the independence of our state's chief prosecutor to call a spade a goddamn spade.

Our disgust with the Republican majority in the NC General Assembly grows stronger every day. They are never hesitant in going too far. And some day, when there's a Republican Attorney General in North Carolina serving with a Democratic majority in the lege, if this piece of shit law passes, they'll regret ever putting their thumb on the administration of justice.

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