Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Hits (On Women) Just Keep on Coming!

Now it's the Republican senatorial candidate in Indiana, Richard Mourdock, who brought the revealed will of God to the political stage last night in a debate with his opponent:
I’ve struggled with it myself for a long time, but I came to realize that life is that gift from God. And even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen.
Apparently, God has to be on one side or the other in a rape, and it ain't the woman's, according to Mr. Mourdock.

The willingness to impose that kind of religious belief on American women is shared by the Republican 2012 national platform, and by vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan.


  1. Anonymous11:53 AM

    This is just another example of all the more reason to keep religion out of politics!

  2. Brushfire12:29 PM

    I wonder what his position on war is?

  3. bettywhite3:07 PM

    I just don't get all these Republican politicians. I thought that part of being a politician was that you never alienate a potential voter and you parse your words carefully to be as bland and uncontroversial as possible. Lately it seems that these Republican men are stumbling over each other to be the first to say the most offensive thing possible about rape/abortion/birth control. They just can't keep their mouths shut!

  4. Anonymous8:30 PM don't "get" republican politicians because you are so used to Democrat politicians telling you what you want to hear instead of what's really on your mind.
    It seems to work for you so, go for it.

  5. Rigid views like Mourdock's and Akin's go over very well with the EEvangelical (and Catholic) crowd and since in many cases such voters will do as their preachers/bishops tell them (i.e. vote against Obama), these candidates have nothing to lose and everything to gain from such remarks. American politics has been captured by Big Money (which never has enough) but the footsoldiers (dupes?) in the battle are the so-called Christians whose morality is limited to anti-gay and anti-abortion stances while ignoring the specific commandments in the Bible (both OT and NT) to care for the poor and needy, provide for the widow and orphan, and shun the love of riches. BTW these commandments apply even more to kings and rulers, i.e. government, so don't give me that cr*p about how private charity can solve all these problems. Thus endeth the lesson.

  6. Anonymous10:35 AM

    You guys are doing a great job of driving away any Christian Democrats that are still interested in supporting Dem candidates. Maybe you should understand that a lot of us are Christians and don't like being constantly attacked for it by our own party!

  7. Anonymous12:56 PM

    I am certainly glad the MISTAKEN OPINION is ended.

  8. bettywhite5:30 PM

    Thanks for the insult, asshole Anonymous. How can a "democrat politician" tell me what's on my mind?? I think I know my own mind! I also don't get your desire to come on here and insult people. Why do you hang out on a liberal blog, anyway?

  9. Brushfire8:18 PM

    Has anyone else noticed how weird it is that so-called pro-lifers are alway the biggest warmongers?

  10. Bull Frog Farting11:51 AM

    Has anyone else noticed that when Dems don't get their way they get nasty and call people assholes and other things?
    But it isn't the names that you call people, it's the votes you get that counts. And it looks like you guys are not happy with your results.

  11. Anonymous1:21 PM


  12. Brushfire7:29 AM

    I couldn't find any information on Mourdodck's opinions about war, but while he was treasurer of Indiana he managed to misplace over half a billion dollars. He also believes the highlight of politics is to inflict his opinion on everyone else. He is inept and dangerous.

  13. Brushfire9:43 AM

    Does anonymous believe that Trayvon Martin had a right to life?

  14. Not Really3:05 PM

    BFF said "Has anyone else noticed that when Dems don't get their way they get nasty and call people assholes and other things?"

    Seriously, you think this is a Democrat thing? I'm not saying Dems don't do this, but are you really claiming that Republicans just sit around saying pleasant things like "Oh, bless Nancy Pelosi's little heart, she's a fine woman but I just don't happen to agree with her on the issues."? Heck no, Repubs can and do call people names and they are just as nasty as the Dems can be on this score. Neither party has a monopoly on incivility, and anyone who says otherwise is wearing blinders.

  15. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Not if he attacked Zimmerman in a manner that justified deadly force. The preponderance of evidence suggests this to be the case. Its called self defense.

  16. Anonymous8:26 PM

    First, there has been no "preponderance of evidence" presented.

    Second, it would appear that Trayvon was the one that needed deadly force to protect himself.

    Killing someone to avoid the indignity of a well-deserved ass beating does not justify deadly force.

  17. Brushfire2:47 PM

    A kid who was being stalked by a creepy older man has no right to defend himself? But said old creepy stalker gets to kill the boy for fighting back. That's sick.

  18. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Matin was not fighting back. Martin had no tight to imitate violence as he did per the preponderance of evidence shown by the media. When he did so he became the aggressor, making him subject to deadly force.

    If anyone thinks Zimmerman deserved a beating that would cause grave bodily harm, then if that person helped Martin attack he would also be subject to deadly force being used in self defense against him.

    Lets see if this response gets by the censor that wants to control the debate.
