Monday, June 04, 2012

The Men Pulling Dan Soucek's Strings

Anna Oakes in yesterday's Watauga Democrat names the men who accompanied Sen. Soucek into town offices last week to lay the groundwork for his bill to remove Boone's right to extra-territorial jurisdiction (ETJ): "...accompanying the senator were Republican Watauga County Board of Commissioners Chair Nathan Miller; Perry Yates, a Republican county commissioner candidate, contractor and owner of New River Building Supply; Keith Honeycutt, a former Republican county commissioner; Jeff Templeton, a Boone Planning Commission member, owner of Templeton Tours and member of a family of developers; Gary Knight; and Sam Adams."

Why? Because he didn't understand what his own bill would do, and they did? Because he might have lost his nerve, and they wouldn't? Because he lacks the rationale for his own actions until someone else supplies it?

It's clear from Oakes' article that Sen. Soucek doesn't understand the implications of his own bill, has not thought it through, and is perhaps incapable of thinking it through. According to Oakes, Soucek "said he ultimately did not envision the bill eliminating Boone's ETJ altogether," though that's exactly what the language of the bill would accomplish in one fell swoop. Then he falls back on a totally empty cliche: “We don't want to throw out the baby with the bath water,” he said. Which is precisely what his "local bill" would do. Soucek, according to Oakes, followed that brilliant non sequitur about babies and bath water with a piece of grandiosity wherein he imagines he's doing his own thinking and taking his own actions: “One of the good things about this is I have complete control over this bill. I'm not going to let this slide in an irresponsible way.”

Yeah, right. The gentlemen named above are the virtual authors of this bill and obviously have complete control over Sen. Soucek. Not one of them gives a fig for the irresponsible consequences that will flow for some 3,500 citizens living in the ETJ, so long as they and their friends are making money.

"Political corruption is the use of power by government officials for illegitimate private gain." Wikipedia.


  1. Anonymous9:54 AM

    King Soucek,
    "It's my way or the highway."
    Since the group mentioned can't buy elections in town, although they have tried, they bought themselves a state senator instead.

  2. Michael10:23 AM

    I wasn't sure what to think about all this since I do think there are inherent problems with ETJ jurisdictions in general, not just in Boone. But regardless of that wider issue, it is quite clear to me that Soucek was indeed following the heel of his masters, named in the article, on this one, and it is a true disappointment to me.

  3. Anonymous10:45 AM

    As for the meeting between Soucek, town officials and others, here's my take on it. Soucek believed he had to at least meet with Town officials so he could say later he had consulted them, even though it was never intended to actually seek any feedback. Templeton, Miller, Perry and the others either attended the meeting because they insisted on it because they were afraid Soucek might bolt, or (more likely) Soucek asked them to go because he doesn't know enough about the issue to make any arguments or answer any questions. It's clear this is a bill put forward specifically for these characters, so Soucek needed them there since, as is clear from the article, he has no idea what his own bill means.

  4. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Democrats must be thrilled about this! What better issue to have with the elections coming in a few months!

  5. I'm not thrilled about it at all. I live in the ETJ and do not belong to either party, but our home is just about all we've got in the way of assets. We're in a nice neighborhood. The thought that overnight all the zoning regulations and protections could fly out the window is not amusing to me at all. Mr. Soucek should have given me a call instead of talking in a can to his developer buddies. He can kiss my ass.

  6. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Alan, I am the anon who posted the remark about dems being thrilled.

    I apologize. I know how important this issue is to the home owners who are facing it. I didn't mean to minimize that with my remark...only to point out that, politically, it wasn't a good thing for the Republicans to do.

    Of course that is not as important as what might happen if the etj should be eliminated.

    (OFF TOPIC NOTE TO JW)..JW, could you drop the requirement for the word verification in order for us to post? It seems unnecessarily burdensome and sometimes it takes me 2 or 3 tries to figure out what the "words" are. Thanks.

  7. Anonymous3:59 PM

    So you guys are now saying the victims of the abuse of the town code by the Boone town council do not have a right to opinion or to petition for help because they have been successful businessmen?


  8. Anonymous4:00 PM

    I'm an independent and will vote against anyone who tries get rid of the ETJ or our local zoning.

    For many of us who live in the ETJ area, this is a very important issue. This is one of the only ways we can protect our home values from bad neighbors.

  9. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Alan, I'm in the same position. Bought in the ETJ because I wanted those protections.

    Call Soucek at both 919-733-5742 and 828-773-6197 and tell him how you feel. He is not unreasonable and I think he'll reconsider if he hears from enough people in this situation.

  10. Anonagain8:19 AM

    "So you guys are now saying the victims of the abuse of the town code by the Boone town council do not have a right to opinion or to petition for help because they have been successful businessmen?"

    No one has said anything like that. They are entitled to their opinion, and people are entitled to disagree with them. No one as yet has provided any example of the town council "abusing" people.

  11. ETJ Resident9:07 AM

    Fellow ETJ residents, please contact Soucek and Jordan to voice your opposition to this bill.

    The State and Local Govt. Committee is also a key group to contact. The bill has already been forwarded to them. The co-chairs of this committee are Jim Davis (919-733-5875 and 828-342-4483) and Michael Walters (919-733-5651 and 910-628-7075). Calling them could make a real difference. Be sure to give the bill number, SB 949, and give your own reasons for opposing this bill. Calling is more effective than email, and ask to speak directly to the Senators or ask them to call you back.

  12. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Why does anyone think it is any different now than it has been before? Perhaps, just worse now. We had a great state senator and we let these same people make false accusations and slander him and then we lost him. Now they have their own boy in and they, along with the likes of Franklin and his crowd are having their way. Tsk, tsk!

  13. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Since the group mentioned can't buy elections in town, although they have tried, they bought themselves a state senator instead.

    it is quite clear to me that Soucek was indeed following the heel of his masters, named in the article,

    It's clear this is a bill put forward specifically for these characters

    Mr. Soucek should have given me a call instead of talking in a can to his developer buddies. He can kiss my ass.

    So you guys are now saying the victims of the abuse of the town code by the Boone town council do not have a right to opinion or to petition for help because they have been successful businessmen?"

    No one has said anything like that.

