Monday, June 04, 2012

The Big Tent Party

Our thanks to Rob Schofield for pointing out this clause # 3 under "Individual Liberties" in the new North Carolina GOP platform, cobbled up in Greensboro this past weekend to give voice to every personal prejudice harbored by every last one of that pursed lip, tight-sphinctered, self-righteously judgmental, Taliban-like congregation:
3. Government should treat all citizens impartially, without regard to wealth, race, ethnicity, disability, religion, sex, political affiliation or national origin. We oppose all forms of invidious discrimination. Sexual orientation is not an appropriate category.

Schofield is quite correct, that you cannot read that clause in any way that doesn't declare quite openly that the Republican Party of North Carolina has decided that discrimination against gay citizens is A-OK with them. Government-sanctioned discrimination, which gives the lie to their other cover story, that they are for small, non-intrusive government.


  1. bettywhite6:56 AM

    Their obsession with singling out and hurting gay people is pathological, isn't it?

  2. Anonymous8:54 AM

    So is giving them special privilege such as hate crime protection for something that is already a crime for anyone.

  3. bettywhite11:32 AM

    Hate crime laws do not hurt you or anyone else. Conservatives seek to do real harm to gay people with their amendments and spitefulness. That's the difference.

  4. Oooooh5:22 PM

    "Government should treat all citizens impartially, without regard to wealth, race, ethnicity, disability, religion, sex, political affiliation or national origin."

    Notice the first category they list: wealth. That tells you all you need to know about Republicans.
