Thursday, November 11, 2010

Art Pope's Wholly Owned Subsidiary

Art Pope's role in taking control of the NC General Assembly ... even bigger than previously reported. Go figure!


  1. November Is Here4:12 PM

    Gee! I sure hope he buys us a new governor in '12.

  2. I want the electoral process given back to people - all of us, not controlled by billionaire's money. Vote for whom you want, but the process needs to be democratic (small "d"), not plutocratic, which is what Pope and his ilk have made it.

    Any suggestions on how to get rid of him?

  3. Anonymous10:06 PM

    I'd settle for a new county manager.

  4. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Are you talking about both parties or does the vast amount of money Tarleton used to defeat Wilson not count?

  5. Henery7:51 PM

    Anonymous Who Hates Cullie Tarleton, I know you've been singing the same song here for some time about how much money Cullie spent to defeat Sleepy Gene Wilson, and it looks like the special pleading that only a family member would engage in. Plus it just ain't convincing to justify the sledge-hammer that Art Pope & friends took to Cullie and Steve Goss to dig up the election of 2006 as though it were some sort of moral equivalent. Which it ain't. Go peddle your whining on the Republican blog, where they don't much admire Sleepy Gene either.

  6. Anonymous10:30 AM

    well then lets talk about the almost half million that he spent TRYING to beat jonathon jordan. He outspent jordan 5 to 1.

    you need to come to grips with the fact that your hero lost his election because the people he has 'represented' are not satisfied with him and prefer someone else.

    you may not like may think you know better than the voters...but you do need to learn that elections are what decides...not you!

  7. Henery10:57 AM

    Your blind refusal to acknowledge that the money spent BY Mr. Jordan does not account for the money spent on Mr. Jordan's BEHALF by Art Pope & friends is not only fradulent math, its stupid false equivalency that does not fly here nor anywhere else.

    Corporations BOUGHT Mr. Jordan's House seat. The fact that you won't acknowledge that does not lessen its truth.

  8. Anonymous1:56 PM

    My goodness, I must have touched a nerve, especially as there was no rebuttal.

  9. BikerBard9:52 PM

    I heard a rebuttal.

  10. Anonymous5:08 PM

    You did not hear one or read it either. He said the same thing again. That is not a rebuttal.
