Thursday, April 01, 2010

Republicans Suffering From "A Terrible Case of Amnesia"

Ron Fitzwater's write-up of the FDR Dinner in Ashe County last Saturday is well worth a read, particularly for the high points of Seth Chapman's keynote speech.

No one in 21st Century North Carolina can deliver the goods like Seth Chapman, the retired 30-year veteran of the Clerk of Court's office in nearby Alexander County.

We count ourselves truly blessed to have been there in person.


  1. kallous7:51 PM


  2. BikerBard8:34 PM

    How appropriate- "Republican amnesia."

  3. Yes, like the way they despise Obama's health care overhaul, calling it a "government takeover of healthcare", even though it is very similar to their own proposal for health care reform in the early 1990's. Maybe it is dementia rather than amnesia.

  4. bridle4:35 PM

    Yes, amnesia, or selective blindness. They are ever so careful and concerned about the spending involved in health care, but nary a peep about the 15 billion dollars (and more) we are spending on wars halfway across the planet. Ironically it was possibly the last true Republican who said " Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed."
    - General Dwight D. Eisenhower

  5. I cannot imagine a present day Republican saying that, Bridle. They love their guns and rockets too much. And if if they don't, they have to pretend like they do to get the vote.

  6. BikerBard8:20 PM

    Amazing quote. Thanks for sharing this.

  7. Jailer7:15 PM

    Who is not fed, and who is not clothed? Mostly what I've seen is overfed and huge pants on the ground poor people walking around. So they are clothed, they just have to relearn how to wear them and they are fed and then some. Thanks Ike.

  8. bridle8:38 AM

    It's easy to sneer from a position of privilege. It makes you feel virtuous and self-righteous if you can justify other people's misery. Those of us who are well-fed and comfortably housed, find it difficult to appreciate how much of our good fortune is really due to luck, and the support of a stable society.

  9. Jailer9:31 AM

    Again, Mr Wonderful, who is not clothed and who is not fed? Global warming should take care of the "those who are cold" part of the quote. Who doesn't have the biggest rims and the latest cellphone, and who still doesn't have a flat screen TV?

  10. bridle10:23 AM

    Just because you don't see them doesn't mean they aren't there. There are none so blind as those who WILL not see.

  11. Jailer11:44 AM

    "There are none so blind as those who WILL not see." My point zackley. I guess all the cold starving naked people are hiding in the disappearing forests. Is that where you are seeing them? Have you seen any walking around Watauga County. In other words, you have to exaggerate to make your ill conceived point.

  12. bridle12:16 PM

    I see every day where I work, people who are putting in 60 - 80 hours a week, trying to care for their kids, eating fast cheap food (that's what makes them fat), no time to exercise, or recreate, no energy left over from work, no health care, constantly on the verge of homelessness. Many of them are caretakers for kids and grandparents both. Many are trying to go to school and work full time while caring for kids and grandparents. Sure they have clothes. You can buy clothes cheap at the thrift store and Walmart now. Sure they have plenty of empty calories, because processed junk food is much cheaper than healthy food. But it would be better for them and for society if they had access to health care, and a good affordable education, decent affordable housing, and support for their families.
    But no. We can spend 15 billion dollars every month on bombs and oil to send 200, 000 soldiers and God knows how much equipment halfway across the planet to secure what? More oil? That doesn't count the cost of caring for the thousands of disabled veterans who return, nor the cost of funerals for the ones who never come back, nor the cost of families destroyed, by death and endless deployments.
    If you really care to find the poor, go to the Hospitality house, or the community care clinic, or social services. Take your head out of the sand. But think carefully first. Iit might actually make you uncomfortable.

  13. Jailer12:58 PM

    Woah, Walmart helps the poor? Careful there Bridle, you are getting careless. First reference to supply and demand regarding oil and now multinational mega stores helping cloth the poor. Obama high unemployment rates, yet the greedy poor you speak of use up 60-80 hours of workweek. Spread the wealth, give those "over 40 hours" to Obama's unemployed.
    So anyway, we can both agree Ike's quote was used incorrectly.

  14. Jailer1:12 PM

    Bridle, the only way is for the employer as ordered by the government, restrict foods the working and non working poor eat. The poor must be banned from fast food stores and forced to eat government approved "P-Rations". "P" standing for poor. Tear them open and eat them. Heat them up on the factory machines they are slaving over if a good hot P-Ration is desired. Weigh them every month, and adjust the P-Rations accordingly. It is time for the government to take charge. It there are poor fat people finally filling out their pants so they stay up on their own, put them in halfway houses for reeducation or on reservations.

  15. bridle1:46 PM

    Or, the government could stop providing welfare subsidies to agri-monopolies for the purpose of producing corn-syrup. ( Isn't there a way to add links to comments) And we could stop throwing money into wars.
    Are you seriously blaming Obama for unemployment? ? What is your justification for that?

  16. Jailer2:56 PM

    He should be blaming himself and those who voted for him. He said he could handle it. He said the stimulus payoffs would stop it. He isn't stopping anything. The time clock will just run out and the economy will reset itself in a record long Obama recession.
    So I agree, the P-rations should contain no corn-syrup. Do monthly pee tests on the poor to make sure there is no corn-syrup in their system. Crack is illegal, yet it still shows up in the market place. So we have to test for corn-syrup if it is made illegal. We could stop throwing money into wars if you and that movie star in the news this week could go ahead and talk despots out of their evil ways or just let them have there way. With you first though.

  17. Jailer3:13 PM

    The above comment should be under Bridles ban corn-syrup from the masses comment below.

  18. bridle8:59 AM

    As I wade through the sarcastic non-sense and snarky BS of your post, there is one coherent idea that you continue to float amidst the garbage. Where do you get the idea that this is an "Obama recession"? What is your evidence?

  19. bridle10:26 AM

    As I wade through the sarcastic non-sense and snarky BS of your post, there is one coherent idea that you continue to float (like a decomposing corpse) amidst the other garbage. Where do you get the idea that this is an "Obama recession"? What is your evidence?

  20. BikerBard9:45 PM

    Like most of his Tea Party girlfriends, Jailer needs no evidence. He just say it is so.
    Whine, whine away.
    I, for one, could care less what he thinks or where he gets his ideas. Maybe he learned his bumpersticker philosophy from "Joe the (fraud) Plumber" or even the goddess, Sarah.

  21. Mike D.1:03 AM

    Speaking of amnesia:

  22. There is a major difference, Mike. It is one thing to protest a preemptive war and another to protest health care reform. One takes lives, while the other saves lives.

  23. Mike D.9:07 AM


    Always the same. This is why it's fine for us to do it. This is why it's wrong for our opponents to do it. Turn it around four or eight years later and the other guys make exactly the same excuses, say exactly the same things. When will we decide to reach across the aisle and shake hands with those with whom we disagree?

    No, Bush was not Hitler. Obama is not Stalin. Perhaps we could agree on both sides to discourage that kind of speech within our own ranks, not just in those whose political leanings we do not share?

  24. BikerBard4:04 PM

    Name some Democrats or Democratic events of late where participants spat on congresspeople, or called vile names to minorities, or carried hateful signs. Just asking.

  25. Mike, I agree that the people in the video made extreme remarks. No matter how many moderate thinkers are able to reach across the aisle and work together, there will always be people who go to extremes (on both sides). The extremists get all the press coverage, so we think there are more of them than there really are. It gets so ugly that more reasonable people back off right when we need them the most. Nevertheless, I still see a difference between protesting an unjustified war and protesting health care reform. Did you see the video of the healthy young men cruelly mocking the man with Parkinson's Disease because he said he needed health care but couldn't get it under our current system? If not, I'll post the link.

  26. "Name some Democrats or Democratic events of late where participants spat on congress people"

    I saw the video, it didn't happen. The guy shouted at the Congressman as he walked by and the Congressman was startled. The Congressman was not spit on. It is a lie. There was a policewomen right next to them, the protestor would have been arrested. The Congressman doesn't wipe anything of, he was just startled and pissed that someone was yelling at him.
    YOU ARE WRONG, but it doesn't matter to you does it?

  27. BikerBard- This is what spitting LOOKS like.

  28. BikerBard9:20 PM

    Sarkezien has the biggest case of "selective awareness" of any yet. Sure, Sark. It never happened. No one curses. No one spat. No one called names. When the truth is against you- DENY, DENY, DENY!

    Sark lives in his own fantasy world. But it's OK, the other nutjobs like him.Nnow, take your medication like a good boy!

  29. Your comment was "spit" crawfish.

  30. "happened. No one curses. No one spat. No one called names. "-CrawfishBard

    I am sure some cursed, not many. I am sure some were called Socialists. You said spit. I showed you, you were wrong. I showed you Lefties actually spitting.
    You've got nothin'.

  31. Here is something for you to watch, Sark. Isn't it time we all showed some restraint and did some thinking rather than just reacting?

  32. RV- Seen it. Nobody spit on him. He went there for controversy as he shows pride about it in his self-interview. You are like Liberal POV and think even though he wanted to jump in the fray, he should have been treated like a child or patronized, or ignored like a potted plant. Keep searching though, and ignore the actual SPIT videos I linked. That behavior is the norm for the Left. You know it, I know, we all know it.
    Have you spit on any Iraq War vets lately?

  33. I thought I already said this, but it did not show up so here goes again. If the man with Parkinson's Disease just wanted to bring out the worst in those men, he succeeded admirably.

    And Sark, I would never blame a US soldier for decisions made by politicians.

  34. BikerBard4:17 PM

    Sarkoff: (name-calling goes 2 ways, A-Hole)

    When the facts are against you, deny deny deny!

    Isn't there a tea party you are late for? Say hi to the rest of the girls.

  35. RV- The point was, the Lefty in the linked video was spitting on an Iraq War veteran. The Parkinson man had fun. Watch his self-interview again, he enjoyed it,
    just as I enjoy political debate. Just because he has Parkinson's, doesn't mean he is an idiot to be hidden in the cellar.
    At least admit spitting on an American war veteran is worse than treating a Parkinson's man like an equal.

  36. PervyBard- Deny what?

  37. kallous9:20 PM

    Who are these idiots who have invaded
    Watauga Watch? Wolfie, where are you?
    At least we know you...these ignorant fools posting now aren't worth responding to.....kinda like playing Scrabble with a pig.

  38. I am having a hard time choosing the lesser of two evils. The Iraq War veteran has returned from one of the most nerve-wracking experiences a person can have only to be spit on. The other man has a degenerative progressive disease and is trying to make a personal statement about how awful it is to be sick and unable to afford health care, only to ge mocked by a gang of healthy people.

    It shows how unbalanced we become when we get so caught up in our self-righteousness that we forget we are all in this together.

  39. Mike D.8:41 AM


    I'm with you 100% on this. Why do we have to choose sides on this. They are both wrong. How's that?

  40. Mike D.9:21 AM

    BikerBard and Sark,

    You guys are stuck in the same vicious cycle. It's always the other guys who are wrong. Our behavior is justified because we are right. Theirs is bad because they are wrong.

    But it's not the ideas we attack, it's the behavior. So the pendulum swings recklessly, pointlessly, needlessly. Their behavior is wrong. No, their behavior is wrong.

    Do you guys not see the futility of your debate?

  41. Mike D.9:24 AM

    And by the way, throughout my entire 38 years of being alive, I have never spit on anyone.

    Anyone here ever spit on anyone?

  42. I never have, and I don't think I could bring myself to do it. I am more interested in mediation. But I am sure we have all been guilty of self-righteousness.

  43. MikeD- A Leftist says;"Name some Democrats or Democratic events of late where participants spat on congresspeople, or called vile names to minorities, or carried hateful signs. Just asking."

    I linked to the video showing the protestor did not spit on the Congressman and I linked to videos showing Leftists actually intentionally spitting on the opposition.
    The service Union thugs that beat up the conservative protestor and called him nigger was proven.

    "... always the other guys who are wrong. Our behavior is justified because we are right. Theirs is bad because they are wrong."-MikeD
    That does not apply, unless you hadn't read the comments.

    It is the Left that is known for bad behavior, and they think they can hang it on the Right, and you say don't argue it.

    Try and find some videos of Michael Moore's protest of the Republican Convention (Bush/Kerry).
    The C-Span mic was open near the FOX media, and the F word was shouted too many times too count with the one finger half of the Leftists presented.

    One of the most objectionable bits of Leftist thuggery happening right now is the demeaning of a grassroots political movement by the people in high Office. Mainly with lies told by Marxist thugs.
    I proved my point by videos.
    The Parkinson's man went to the rally to be controversial, watch his self-interview. It is a bogus example. The guy was happy with his results.
    No one spit on him.

  44. BB, RV, MikeD-

    This is POLICE REPORTING. Not "you're bad" "no you're bad"

  45. BikerBard9:15 PM


    Please don't think I am debating Sark. No. I just don't accept his warped viewpoint. He is a blowhard who sees the world through his pretty pink glasses.

    I agree with RV. Both examples are sad. One does not justify the other.

    Just look at the simple truth. Sark comes to this site to say "Lefties bad." Here? Here??

    Here, he's just a clown.

  46. TEANECK, N.J. (CBS) ―

    New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's take-no-prisoners demand for education cuts got him a whole lot more than he bargained for -- a death wish.

    It was in a controversial e-mail sent by the Bergen County Teachers Union to its members asking that Christie be "taken" by the Lord.

  47. The Tea Party will eventually become violent. But they are not now. The Leftist propaganda about the Tea Parties is swallowed in hole by weak-minded people like Liberal POV and BikerBard and RV. But visual recorded evidence says different. Don't believe what your own eyes see, because you haven't been given permission to believe it. Sheeple.
    One of the reasons the Tea Parties will turn violent is because of union thugs being ordered to the rallies as they were ordered to the Town Hall meetings, just as the six are being prosecuted for gang attacking the Black Man in my linked story.
    Let's see if they are also charged with hate crimes.
    My comments are in defense of the Tea Party-ers, as the sheeple have gone from anyone opposing Obama is a racist, to anyone opposing Obama is a Tea Party member.

  48. Cop attacked by Leftists at anti-RNC rally.

  49. Mike D.9:04 AM


    Have you ever spit on anyone?

  50. BikerBard3:03 PM

    Yes. My uncle who teased me all day, who then offered his hand to say goodbye. I got a good slap in the mouth from my mother. I never did it again.
    Now, I just THINK it!

    Thinking of pompous blowhard Sarkazien right now. And smiling!

  51. BikerBard3:07 PM

    Note to Mike:
    That incident was over 50 years ago. I must ask Mom if she remembers that. Shitty uncle long gone. But in truth, I know he was a sad alcoholic.

    Hmmm. Maybe that is Sark's problem.
