Thursday, April 22, 2010

I Am Woman, Hear Me Bloviate

Sarah Palin in Wilkesboro in June! Not.

A non-profit Wilkes County org with ministerial leadership, BlueRidge Educational Resource Group, had touted appearances by both Palin and former First Lady Laura Bush on a stage together at a Wilkes Community College venue, but the event is being moved to the Charlotte Time Warner Cable Arena for "better security, safety and parking."

The event is being called "the Complete Woman Expo 2010." We should say so! The pro-choice and quiet-spoken Laura Bush together on the same stage with the sheet-metal stylings of paleo-Palin. It's at least about as complete as one can get on the Republican distaff side. (But ... what? no Ann Coulter?)

We suspect the real agenda behind this gathering will not emerge until the loud speakers get warned up.


  1. BikerBard4:50 PM

    "Paleo-Palin." Love it!

  2. Anonymous11:50 AM

    So Chillbilly Palin sticks it to the GOP and the dumb down Tea Baggers for another 100 grand......

  3. Anonymous5:39 PM

    I imagine the move was to accommodate a larger crowd.

    A JW and Bikerbard rally could be held in a broom closet.

  4. BikerBard6:32 PM

    "Chillbilly Palin." Keep those greatest hits coming!"

  5. Anonymous1:00 PM

    What is your issue with this event?

  6. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Anonymous said...
    What is your issue with this event?

    None! I am alway thrilled when a Chillbilly rips off their supporters and they don't know it.....Clearly a example how the Republican party destroy this country during their Corporate Goldman Sachs rule.......

  7. Anonymous #39:26 PM

    Wow! Anonymous versus Anonymous.

    NOW do you see the sanity in selecting a blog name?

  8. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Just that anything like the Total Woman? The hit book of the 1970's that advocated meeting your hubby at the door when he got home from work dressed in Saran Wrap?

    Just showing my age...

  9. Anonymous 56:38 PM

    Is this Anonymous 1, 2, 3 or 4?
