Monday, March 22, 2010

North Carolina's Blue Dogs

On passage of H.R.3590 (219-212), North Carolina Democrats Mike McIntyre, Heath Shuler, and Larry Kissell all voted with the Republicans. Those no votes won't earn them any support from Republicans come November, while driving away their own base.

Kissell, particularly, can ill afford losing his base ... unless, of course, the Republicans actually nominate Machine Gun Tim D'Annunzio to run against him.

Shuler ... who knows? Haven't seen any Republican challenger among those running in the primary who looks like a winner.

McIntyre ... he's been voting with the Republicans so long he's barely indistinguishable from ... Howard Coble.


  1. brotherdoc9:46 AM

    Kissell is the most disappointing congressperson in the NC delegation.  People in the old days used to say, "I don't always agree with Jesse Helms but you know where he stands."  Not so with Kissell--he beat Robin largely on the grounds that Hayes was a flipflopper.  Are there any good reasons why his Democratic supporters should stand up for Larry now?

  2. Opinionated10:36 AM

    What I can't figure out is why anybody tried to compromise with the Repubs at all to get this thing passed.  Why not "Medicare for All", so we can all buy in at cost (no increase in the deficit) and forget the Party of Irrelevance?

  3. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Dr. Dan Eichenbaum will be Shuler's challenger in the general.  He's NOT an orator, but that's O.K. with me.  Neither is Shuler. 
