Sunday, March 21, 2010

David Frum: Republicans' "Waterloo"

Worth reading: Conservative columnist and former speech-writer for George W. Bush, David Frum's slashing attack on Fox News and the yak-masters of talk radio for making it impossible for Republicans in Congress to compromise with this president and save themselves from their "Waterloo" moment ... which is happening right now, tonight, in the health insurance reform vote.

Frum thinks Republicans are waaay over-optimistic about taking back Congress come November.

Frum points out that the bill being passed tonight is really very "Republican" in basic outline (and, gee, thanks for reminding me about why I secretly hate it!):
...the gap between this plan and traditional Republican ideas is not very big. The Obama plan has a broad family resemblance to Mitt Romney's Massachusetts plan. It builds on ideas developed at the Heritage Foundation in the early 1990s that formed the basis for Republican counter-proposals to Clintoncare in 1993-1994.

Frum sez to his tea-partying confreres: Get over yourself! This bill will never be repealed.

And he sez this: "We followed the most radical voices in the party and the movement, and they led us to abject and irreversible defeat."


  1. Concerned Citizen11:57 PM

    Many thanks to courageous Democrats for supporting us, those Americans who live in fear of the bankruptcy that a serious illness or accident could bring!  Thank goodness and Democrats for at least some reform to health care!

  2. We might as well prepare for the worst now from Limbaugh, Foxx, Palin, et al.  Thiings were getting ugly before it passed, but the worst is yet to come.  But anyway, I feel much more hopeful for everyone's future -- once people realize that this bill will help them, not hurt them.

  3. brotherdoc7:05 AM

    I hope Democrats (and independents) will prove Frum right in November--he's certainly not my favorite pundit, but his is a plausible scenario.  Of course every coach always downplays his team's chances against the next tough opponent when he talks to the press.  Jerry be sure and let us know how our NC Blue Dogs voted on this bill.  We know how our own heartless Madame Foxx voted, one of the lemmings who followed Beaner into the drink.

  4. Nonny28:23 AM

    "We followed the most radical voices in the party and the movement, and they led us to abject and irreversible defeat."

    God I hope Sarah Palin gets the nomination & runs against Obama!!!  8-)

  5. Maybe Foxx could be her running mate?

  6. Nonny211:01 AM

    Guess Rahm Emmanuel must have waved his tush at a few of those Democrats who were dragging thier asses!  :-D

  7. bridle4:14 PM

    I would like this, except that it would be so demeaning to us as a country. No other nation above the level of 3rd world level would ever take us seriously again if, now that we know who she is, Mrs. Palin were a serious contender for POTUS.

  8. BikerBard5:27 PM

    Where are all of the gloating trolls today?
    Answer: Back under the bridge.

  9. Truth is, we need statesmen and stateswomen in congress who respect each other.  If they can't respect each other, how can they ever work together?

  10. bridle7:55 AM

    Limbaugh has already called on  his followers to "wipe them out".

  11. BikerBard8:04 AM

    TWICE now, during the current administration, the Rethugs were behijnd the catcalls on the house floor. Who whipped up the crowds who then spat and called vile names to Democratic congressmen? It is the RETHUGS who are lacking respect towards others. Michael Steele needs to reign in the loose cannons and stop being the talking face he is. Where is McCain?

  12. People like that are breaking the democratic process.  How is that patriotic?

  13. I don't like the sound of that!

  14. Syd Fynch9:44 AM

    OH PLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEASE let Sarah Palin get he nomination for the GOP. Nothing would make Obama's road to a second term easier than having that twit represent the opposition.
