Friday, September 06, 2024

The RFK Jr. Saga, and the NC Judges Who Coddle Him


RALEIGH -- The North Carolina Court of Appeals on Friday blocked the state from sending out absentee ballots as it considers a lawsuit from Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who is seeking to be removed from the state’s presidential ballot. 

In an order released Friday, the court granted Kennedy’s petition to stay a decision from a lower court on Thursday, which had denied his request to be removed from the ballot. 

“This cause is remanded to the Superior Court of Wake County for entry of order directing the State Board of Elections to disseminate ballots without the name of petitioner Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. appearing as a candidate for President of the United States,” the order said. 

The court’s decision will force the state to miss its Sept. 6 deadline for sending out absentee ballots. The state board has directed county boards of elections not to send out any ballots today and hold them until further notice.


  1. JFK Jr should be removed from the ballot. And remove ineligible voters from NC's voter rolls.

  2. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Call yourself a fiscal conservative, do you? This extraordinary judicial order will cost the state hundreds of thousands of dollars in reprinting, to satisfy the craven fickleness of an anti-vaxxer's political allegiances.

  3. Electing Trump is the most fiscally conservative thing we can do. Trump will GUT the federal bureaucracy, increasing efficiency and lowering costs.

    WAKE UP!

  4. He'll huff and he'll puff, and he'll blow our house down.

  5. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Wolf, You should start. First suggestion is you should dis-enroll from Social Security and Medicare. Why wait for political action. Set the example by personal action. It must be difficult to sleep at night knowing your contribution to inefficiency and ballooning costs.

  6. Such idiocy, Anon 1:00! Why would I dis-enroll from programs that I've paid into all my working life? Why I see it, the Feds owe me, and all other Social Security recipients, for the misuse of the monies we've paid in. If our monies had been properly managed, and not used as a Congressional slush fund, we would be getting monthly checks several times greater than what we are.

    In other words, you and your spend thrift friends have stolen from every worker who has paid into Social Security.

    Perhaps after Trumps gets done wiping the floor with the government bureaucracy, he'll address the massive fraud that is the Social Security system. Time for a redress of grievances. Maybe confiscating the wealth of all the Congress Critters who voted to take money from the S.S. fund and who refused to pay us a decent return?

    1. More p-tardy hogwash: What Trump will do is wipe his butt with Social Security.
      And the hungry hound dog will be scratching at the door howling "I shoulda knowed better."

  7. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Fiscal conservatism for everyone except you. Typical.

  8. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Sounds like economic justice to me!
