Monday, September 23, 2024

The Continued Destruction of Public Education in NC. Why the GOP Super-Majority Must Be Broken in 2024


An important veto last Friday (Sept. 20th) by Governor Cooper of NCGOP legislation that allocates several hundred million more dollars to an expanded private school voucher program, money that can absolutely be handed out equally to the rich and privileged, who hardly need taxpayer money to afford school for their offspring. It's an astounding piece of legislation demonstrating the ethereal wishes of a group of people who have been dismantling public support for public education for years and who as a collective actually supports the ambitions of Michele Morrow, who would gut public education for the Lord, as Superintendent of Public Instruction.

Of course, the Republicans in the GA can and will override Cooper's veto, because they have super-majorities in each chamber, but super-majorities of only one vote, so Democrats have their best chance in years to break that super-majority and earn the right to uphold the vetoes of our next Democratic governor. (You don't need to be reminded, of course, that the famous super-majority-making Tricia Cotham, who became turncoat, is currently in a death-match with Democrat Nicole Sidman for her House seat. Cotham''s district was obligingly gerrymandered to alleviate her vast unpopularity with both Democrats and independents, but was the gerrymandering sufficient to save her? Maybe not, in a blue wave.)

Last Friday Cooper also vetoed a strong-armed measure to force sheriffs to cooperate with Federal immigration enforcement officers and turn over any arrestees who might be undocumented to ICE's tender mercies. The Trump mentality of "make 'em feel the whip" quickly invaded some Federal agencies more than others.

This year has felt right for a political change of hue, a blue wave that could wipe out super-majorities, if not whole careers. The atmosphere has grown tremblingly pregnant ever since Joe stepped aside and Kamala took over the crusade, and for that selfless and no doubt incredibly painful self-sacrifice, President Biden deserves and no doubt in my mind will have the lasting kudos of history.

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