Thursday, July 18, 2024

A Significant Development


Congressional Democratic leaders, Democratic candidates at all levels all across the country, and major Democratic donors are quietly -- occasionally loudly -- sending the message to President Biden that it's time to step aside and let a younger candidate turn the tide back against the would-be dictator. A phalanx of New York Times reporters, featuring Carl Hulse, Michael Schmidt, and Peter Baker, ran down in this morning's Times many of the thread-pullers who are attempting behind the scenes to unravel President Biden's determination.

I reported down-thread that the virtual roll-call of delegates that would cement Biden's nomination is supposed to begin August 5th. Putting that off sends a very clear message, doesn't it?

...Mr. [Chuck] Schumer [Senate Majority Leader] weighed in this week to appeal to party leaders to hold off on beginning a swift virtual roll call they had considered starting as soon as next week to cement Mr. Biden as the nominee, according to a person familiar with his thinking who insisted on anonymity to describe it. The Senate leader spoke with Mr. [Hakeem] Jeffries [House Minority Leader], and both agreed to push the party to put off the start of that process, according to a second person familiar with their involvement, who also declined to be named discussing it.

Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota, the co-chairman of the party’s rules committee, which determines when and how the nomination will proceed, called Jen O’Malley Dillon, the Biden campaign chief, on Tuesday afternoon to inform her that the roll call should be delayed, according to a person made aware of the call who described it on the condition of anonymity.

Bowing to the pressure, top Democratic National Committee officials announced on Wednesday that the virtual roll call would take place during the first week of August instead.



Anonymous said...

So, all of you democrat primary voters who voted for Biden were just shut down by your party hierarchy.

They will pick the candidate THEY want, not who you want.

How's that DEMOCRACY goin' for ya?

Anonymous said...

You chose a convicted felon who has also been found guilty of sexual assault. Stand by your man.

Anonymous said...

And you choose a man who his daughter claimed took showers with her when she was a teenager, and his own son called him 'Pedo Peter".

Anonymous said...

Putting country over party is so undemocratic.

Take the lesson.